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It is not a conversation that is coupled with a profession for a great profession may be attended with a life that is not good, but scandalous; but it is a conversation coupled with fear of God that is, with the impressions of the fear of God upon it that is convincing and that ministereth the awakenings of God to the conscience, in order to saving the unbeliever.

Art, however, could not do so, for although he had transient awakenings of conscience, that were acute while they lasted, yet he could not look up to God with a thorough and heartfelt resolution of permanent reformation. The love of liquor, and the disinclination to give it up, still lurked in his heart, and prevented him from setting about his amendment in earnest.

"What would Jesus do?" That was the burden of his prayer. Never had he yielded himself so completely to the Spirit's searching revealing of Jesus. He was on his knees a long time. He retired and slept fitfully with many awakenings. He rose before it was clear dawn, and threw open his window again. As the light in the east grew stronger he repeated to himself: "What would Jesus do?

There will be two more awakenings that night once at Batavia, where a merry wedding party with horns and cow bells will follow the lucky bride and groom into your car, and once at Schenectady, where the Pullman car shock-absorbing tests are held. The next morning, tired but unhappy, you will reach New York. The Aquarium. Take Fifth Avenue Bus to Times Square. Transfer to 42nd Street Crosstown.

Lived through great awakenings, lived through domestic sorrow, lived through commercial calamity, lived through providential crises that startled nations, and you are living yet, strangers to God, and with no hope for a great future into which you may be precipitated. Oh, would it not be better for us to get our nature through the Grace of Christ revolutionized and transfigured?

The days of gold which linked themselves one to another with strange dawns of pearl and exquisite awakenings, each a miracle, the gemmed night whose blue darkness seemed studded with myriads of new stars, the noons whose heats or rains were all warm scents of flowers and fragrant mists, wrought themselves into a chain of earthly beauty.

You awake with a start; the hour has come; the hour of parting; the hour of doom. Yes, whatever the grief may be, it is in the hour of such awakenings we feel it most poignantly. Thus it was with Ishmael. The instant he awoke the spear of memory transfixed his soul. He could have cried out in his agony. It took all his manhood to control his pain.

Oh, how crude and callow and obtuse I was at that time, full of vague and tremulous aspirations and awakenings, but undisciplined, uninformed, with many inherited incapacities and obstacles to weigh me down. I was extremely bashful, had no social aptitude, and was likely to stutter when anxious or embarrassed, yet I seem to have made a good impression.

By perfection of resistless surrender, the master enabled the Prime Healing Power to flow freely through him. "The numerous bodies which were spectacularly healed through Lahiri Mahasaya eventually had to feed the flames of cremation. But the silent spiritual awakenings he effected, the Christlike disciples he fashioned, are his imperishable miracles."

We owe such civilization as we have acquired to children. "A softened pressure of an uncouth hand, a human gleam in an almost animal eye, an endearment in an inarticulate voice feeble things enough. Yet in these faint awakenings lay the hope of the human race." The influence of childhood has transformed mere animal attraction into unselfish affection.