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But I only wish that if you ever SHOULD like anybody, you may never doubt of my feeling how I've brought you to it. You'll always know that I know that it's my fault." "You mean," he went on in his contemplative way, "that it will be you who'll take the consequences?" Maggie just considered. "I'll leave you all the good ones, but I'll take the bad." "Well, that's handsome."

"They wouldn't take in another from anybody else but I can do it right away. The sooner the better. Go and look at the room to-day, move tomorrow and start teaching from the next day. That'll be all nice and settled." He seemed satisfied by arranging all by himself. Indeed, I should not be able to occupy such a room for long.

No, what caused this disintegration in a usually fairly fluent prattler with the sex was her whole mental attitude. I don't want to wrong anybody, so I won't go so far as to say that she actually wrote poetry, but her conversation, to my mind, was of a nature calculated to excite the liveliest suspicions.

"Third of a day's work and a whole day's pay," he mused. "Jowett," he added, "I want you to have faith. I'm going to do Marchand, and I'm going to do him in a way that'll be best in the end. You can help as much if not more than anybody you and Osterhaut. And if I succeed, it'll be worth your while." "I ain't followin' you because it's worth while, but because I want to, Chief."

"Well, you see me don't you?" "I do, sir." "Have you been talking to Sykes and his wife?" asked the captain, sternly. "I have, sir." "Have you told them that you saw me on the island?" "No, sir; not them, nor anybody else." "It's well for you that you haven't," added the captain, shaking his head a significant gesture, which seemed to relate to the future, rather than to the present.

Abbie's a good woman none better but she generally don't notice a joke until she trips over it. I get consider'ble fun out of Abbie, take her by the large. 'New York! she says. 'Did anybody ever hear the beat of that? Do you cal'late New York's like South Denboro, where everybody knows everybody else?

"What in the world do you mean? Do you always think in poses? I take no attitude. I care for him, and in that proportion I intend that he shall have what he wants so far as I can help him to it. You have never cared for anybody what do you know about it?" Hilda took a calm, unprejudiced view of the ceiling. "I assure you I'm not an angel," she cried. "Haven't I cared? Several times."

"You mustn't think of it that way," said Ledsmar; "your friend came for me, and of course I went; and gladly too. There was nothing that I could do, or that anybody could do. Very interesting man, that friend of yours. And his wife, too both quite out of the common. I don't know when I've seen two such really genuine people. I should like to have known more of them. Are they still here?"

If I should make up my mind to give him a chance, what would you be willing to sell him for?" The speculator named one hundred and fifty dollars. "Poh! Poh!" exclaimed the other. "I tell you Zeke will never be worth a cent to you or anybody else. A hundred and fifty dollars, indeed!" The parley continued some time longer, and the case seemed such a hopeless one, that Mr.

An' then he says only of course his words didn't sound the way mine do: "'I robbed your life, Cally, an' I robbed my own. As soon as I knew it an' couldn't bear it any longer, I went away alone an' I've lived alone all exceptin' since the little boy come. His mother, my son's wife, died; an' I all but brought him up. I loved him as I never loved anybody but you, he says, simple.