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I know you have friends with you; but, when you lose your vivacity, and your society is robbed of its usual charms, they will find your chamber dull, and leave it for some more amusing place. They cannot, like your little Theo., hang over you in your sleep, and, with a beating heart, listen to every groan and tremble at every noise. Your son, too, were we with you, would charm away your cares.

This is the point exactly. The "martyrdom," too often, is for objects not of the highest importance. The lack of appreciation of woman's work, as shown by man-kind in the newspapers, would be amusing, were it not saddening. "Every married woman should be able to cut and make her own, her husband's, and her children's clothes." The husband reads, aloud of course, this time, and nods approval.

Still it is undeniably amusing, and the main thing is that I enjoy life, a hard life too in many ways. Fate has dealt me some sad blows. Look at such a coincidence as your turning up to-night, of all nights in the year." "It was scarcely a coincidence. I came " "Oh, I know, I know.

I am in no haste to compass the end of these good people, whom I find in the mean time very amusing. It is delightful to meet one of them, either in print or out of it some sweet elderly lady or excellent gentleman whose youth was pastured on the literature of thirty or forty years ago and to witness the confidence with which they preach their favorite authors as all the law and the prophets.

The young men thought her sally very amusing, while Louiset in his ignorance lifted his pale eyes to his mother's face, for her loud exclamations surprised him. However, there was no escape for Labordette as yet. Rose Mignon had made a sign to him and was now giving him her commands while he wrote figures in a notebook.

One of the amusing incidents of this sojourn, narrated in the diaries, is Audubon's and his son's interview with the Baron Rothschild, to whom he had a letter of introduction from a distinguished American banking house.

He would bring a new and interesting element into the village. What do you think of it, Mrs. Temperley?" "Oh, I hope the learned and amusing Professor will come," she said. "The worst of it is, from my point of view, that I shall have to give up my practices there. Professor Fortescue allows me to wake the old piano from its long slumbers in the drawing-room." "Oh, of course.

Salomon, convinced that his drugs were unavailing, spared me the disagreeable task of taking them, and contented himself with amusing the grief of my poor Madam de Warrens by some of those harmless preparations, which serve to flatter the hopes of the patient and keep up the credit of the doctor.

My lord, I set out on my travels in search of you, like the rest, and arriving one day at Damalipta, I saw a great crowd collected in a large park outside the city. While looking about me to find some one of whom I might inquire what this festival was, I espied a young man, sitting alone in an arbour, amusing himself with playing on a lute.

Then, when I applied myself to prayer and to spiritual reading, whereby I might perceive these truths, and the evil nature of the way I was walking in, and was often importunate with our Lord in tears, I was so wicked, that it availed me nothing; when I gave that up, and wasted my time in amusing myself, in great danger of falling into sin, and with scanty helps, and I may venture to say no help at all, unless it was a help to my ruin, what could I expect but that of which I have spoken?