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"Nevertheless, Sir, it does not seem to my unskilful eye very easy Greek." "Pretty well, Sir; barbarous, but amusing, pray continue it. The triumphal entry of Paulus Emilius is not ill told. I confess, that I think novels might be made much higher works than they have been yet.

At the Tuileries, everybody, even the King himself, calls her little daughter "Chiquette." The Prince of Joinville calls his wife "Chicarde" since the pierrots' ball, hence "Chiquette." At this pierrots' ball the King exclaimed: "How Chicarde is amusing herself!" The Prince de Joinville danced all the risquee dances. Mme. de Montpensier and Mme.

No doubt a horse fair is a very amusing place to those who have nothing to lose; at any rate, there is plenty to see.

The Brown Man with Queer Feet Early in the following morning Jurgen left Cameliard, traveling toward Carohaise, and went into the Druid forest there, and followed Merlin's instructions. "Not that I for a moment believe in such nonsense," said Jurgen: "but it will be amusing to see what comes of this business, and it is unjust to deny even nonsense a fair trial."

Is n't it supposed that in Paris one must amuse one's self? How have you been amusing yourself?" "I have been leading a very quiet life," said Bernard. "I notice that 's what people always say when they have been particularly dissipated. What have you done? Whom have you seen that one knows?" Bernard was silent a moment. "I have seen some old friends of yours," he said at last. "I have seen Mrs.

At the same instant I was in imminent danger of freezing to death and being burned alive; and the mental picture of those three fur-clad men, huddled around the little oil-stove heating the soldering-iron, and the hot solder dripping on the tin, is amusing now; but we were anything but amused then.

At another time, while waiting, Bok had an experience which, while interesting, was saddening instead of amusing. He was sitting in Mark Twain's sitting-room in his home in Hartford waiting for the humorist to return from a walk. Suddenly sounds of devotional singing came in through the open window from the direction of the outer conservatory.

In spite of his great anxiety, and the worries through which he was called to pass, Gordon never seemed to lose his sense of humour. There are many amusing entries in his Journals, of which the following may be taken as fair specimens: "A horse escaped from the Arabs, formerly belonging to Government. It gave no information; but from its action, may be supposed not to believe in the Mahdi."

It is amusing to notice that the horse upon which this pattern aristocrat used to scamper across the country, in French-Revolution times, was named Jacobin! It was in March, 1799, the year before the final victory of the Republicans over the Federal party, that the neighbors of John Randolph and John Randolph himself discovered, to their great astonishment, that he was an orator.

There was a short silence, then Miss Tomalin spoke as if an amusing thought had struck her. "You received that American magazine from Mrs. Toplady? Isn't it an odd coincidence the French book, you know?" "It didn't seem to me very striking," replied Constance, coldly. "No? Perhaps not." May became careless. "I hadn't time to read it myself; I only heard what Mrs. Toplady said about it."