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The man then addressing the crowd was one who had from his first sentence moved his audience to an extraordinary degree one of those magnetic voices of the people which flames the word that is smouldering in every heart. He had used no cloak for his meaning, like the other speakers; but boldly attacked the Legitimists, the Monarchy, the titles and the privileges of the aristocracy.

This done, Heliobas closed and clasped the original text of the Prophet's work and returned it to its casket; then addressing his guest in a kindly, yet serious tone, he said: "You are quite resolved to undertake this journey, Mr. Alwyn?" Alwyn looked dreamily out of the window at the flame of the sunset hues reflected from the glowing sky on the white summit of the mountains.

Welcome to you, ye mighty car-warriors! Gratified am I with your sight, ye that are the equals of the very gods. Thus addressing them with his head hanging down, he once more said, 'My head is hanging down greatly. The grandsire, however, desired them not.

"Mr Wheeler wants to see you at once," said Josiah, not listening to the criticism on his grammar, and addressing Forsyth. "My tutor wants to see me? What on earth about, I wonder?" Obviously, the best way to satisfy his curiosity on this head was to go at once, and this he did.

"Ah, poor girl!" said Angela, springing up from the sofa. "I am perfectly serious," Gordon went on, addressing himself again to her. "No, after all, I am not crazy; I see only too clearly I see what should be; when people see that, you call them crazy. Bernard has no right he must give you up. If you really care for him, you should help him.

Then, addressing Robert Grant, "Sir," he added, "you left behind you a criminal; you find in his place a man who has become honest by penitence, and whose hand I am proud to clasp in mine." Robert Grant was now made acquainted with the strange history of Captain Nemo and the colonists of Lincoln Island.

You think there is one dead man here? Mistake, I 'sure you. I am much more dead. Why don't you hang me?" he suggested suddenly, in a friendly tone, addressing the lieutenant. "I assure, assure you it would be a mat matter of form altog altogether." These last words he muttered to himself, and walked zigzaging towards his house.

I am giving you a reasonable warning. Take it." Then the phone clicked most savagely and ominously and superiorly at the other end. "I knew at the time," went on X , addressing the grand jury, "that I was really listening to the man who was most powerful in such affairs in New York and elsewhere and that he meant what he said.

Regulus, regarding me with his old-fashioned, earnest tenderness. "We hear very flattering accounts," he added, addressing me, "of our young friend, Richard Clyde. He will return next summer, after a year's absence, having acquired as much benefit as most young men do in two or three." I could not help blushing, for I knew the eyes of Ernest were on me.

Francie was not skilled in composition; she wrote slowly and had in thus addressing her lover much the same sense of sore tension she supposed she should have in standing at the altar with him. Her father and Delia had a theory that when she shut herself up that way she poured forth pages that would testify to her costly culture.