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Beaumont then, addressing herself to Miss Mirvan and me, inquired how we liked Bath? "I hope," said Mr. Lovel, "the ladies do not call this seeing Bath." "No!-what should ail 'em?" cried the Captain, "do you suppose they put their eyes in their pockets?" "No, Sir; but I fancy you will find no person-that is-no person of any condition-call going about a few places in a morning seeing Bath."

He was correct. The Colonel appeared in the door a moment afterward with a dragoon revolver in his hand. He said, "Sir, have I the honor of addressing the poltroon who edits this mangy sheet?" "You have. Be seated, sir. Be careful of the chair, one of its legs is gone. I believe I have the honor of addressing the putrid liar, Colonel Blatherskite Tecumseh?" "Right, Sir.

"Your nugget," said the clerk, at length, addressing Fred and myself, "weighs just fifty-one pounds two ounces, and if there is no quartz in the interior of the lump and I think that there is not at the present price of gold it is worth, in round numbers, about two thousand five hundred pounds sterling. A pretty good day's work, sirs."

"Shut up!" cried others addressing the interrupting members, of course. "As I was saying," resumed the stranger, "I felt confident that within an hour, in some way or other, that case would be placed in my hands.

With the assistance of his companions, the Rangers, who, he was confident, would uphold him, he could settle up all old scores, without fear of suffering in return. Addressing himself to James, he continued, in an insulting tone, "We don't go to get the game to eat, you blockhead, but only for the sport of killing it."

Bennie will play us a waltz. Quick, Bennie darling! Girls, get a move on you!" I called the hostess aside. "May I ask you a question, Mrs. Nodelman?" I said, in the manner of a boy addressing his teacher "What is it?" she asked, awkwardly. "No, I won't ask any questions. I see you are angry at me." "I ain't angry at all," she returned, making an effort to look me straight in the face. "Sure?"

"Well, look! make the most of your time, and his too, for the matter of that; but mind, now, no nonsense, M'liss, he won't stand it!" repeated the guard with an emphasis in the caution. M'liss crossed the room, until opposite the prisoner. "Are you the chap that killed the parson?" she said, addressing the motionless figure.

You owe it to me not to let such an occasion slip." "Pooh," said Adrian. But he looked conscious, and he laughed a deliriously conscious laugh. "What nonsense you do talk. I 'm too young, I 'm far too young, to think of marrying." "See him blush and giggle and shake his pretty curls," said Anthony, with scorn, addressing the universe.

I sent you that word 'bout Lois," she went on, addressing Anne, "so's you wouldn't come. We didn't want you to know 'bout it till Monday. Pa he draws his pay to-night and John Edward, too. John Edward he's errant boy for a grocer down on M Street. They're going to take all their money and buy you the finest doll in Washington, rent or no rent, victuals or no victuals."

A subordinate entered. "Turn these prisoners over to Colonel Brunoli. Colonel Brunoli," he continued, addressing Hal, "is the chief of police. I can guarantee that you will be safe in his keeping." Hal would have protested, but the orderly signalled him to march out ahead, of him.