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Jimmy Silver, having satisfied his passion for the dramatic by the abruptness with which he had exploded his mine, now felt himself at liberty to be sympathetic. "It's quite true," he said. "And that's just how I felt when Blackburn told me. Blackburn's as sick as anything. Naturally he doesn't see the point of handing you over to Kay. But the Old Man insisted, so he caved in.

"Eleven to two, and no mistake," said this keeper of a second-rate gaming-house, who, known by the flattering appellation of Hump Chippendale, now turned with malignant abruptness from the heir apparent of an English earldom.

Either she or Bennett must in the end be beaten. One of them was to be broken and humbled beyond all retrieving. There in that commonplace little room, with its trivial accessories, its inadequate background, a battle royal swiftly prepared itself. With the abruptness of an explosion the crisis developed.

Just as I put my foot upon the bridge I saw a figure approaching me, coming from the opposite direction. I recognized it instantly. It was the lady herself. She must have seen me at the very same moment, for she halted dead with the abruptness of one faced with a sudden danger, an opened precipice, or a venomous snake under foot.

Before the astonished noble could articulate a word, the man whispered in hoarse, hurried accents, 'I am Ulpius dismiss your servants I have something important to say! 'Ha! my worthy Ulpius! You have a most unhappy faculty of delivering a message with the manner of an assassin! But I must pardon your unpleasant abruptness in consideration of your diligence.

But suddenly he took her unawares, turning to face her with disquieting abruptness. She caught an impression of eyes sparkling in the lamplight; small and set close on either side of a high-bridged, narrow nose, yet bright and boldly smiling. His voice was that of an educated person and not disagreeable in tone, but Win was anxious to escape hearing it again.

"Is it do you ?" He dared not go too far, and concluded lamely, "You mean you fear that your mother will not give you to me when she goes you have divined that I wish to adopt you? Answer me, will you?" But she only lowered her head and turned away, and he, fearing to frighten or repel her, apologized for his abruptness, restored the outer picture to its place, and led her from the gallery.

"Have you heard from Foster since I was here last?" said the man, with an unpleasant abruptness of manner. "No sir, I have not," replied Mrs. Foster, in a low, timid voice, for she felt afraid of the man. "When do you expect him home?" "He will be here at New Year's." "Humph! Do you know whether he will bring any money?" "I am sure I cannot tell; but I hope so."

That I had at last left the place myself, with a most uncivil abruptness; during the interval of absence my occupations were believed to have been of the most dubious character: it was more than suspected, indeed, that I had penetrated to places, the very name of which could hardly be mentioned without shame and consternation.

By every dictate of moral delicacy she must let him alone." "Then you've made up your mind it's all poor Charlotte?" he asked with an effect of abruptness. The effect, whether intended or not, reached her brought her face short round. It was a touch at which she again lost her balance, at which, somehow, the bottom dropped out of her recovered comfort. "Then you've made up yours differently?