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Another and a louder crash soon followed, and a solemn, expectant silence fell upon them akin to that when the noisy passionate world will suddenly cease its clamor as the trump of God proclaims the end. "Merciful heaven! we shall be struck," said Mrs. Allen shudderingly. "What's the use of living?" said Zell in a hard, reckless tone. "What is there to live for?" sighed Edith, deep in her heart.

But the word smallpox was burned into her brain, and she surmised that she was in a hospital. At last a woman passed. Zell feebly called her. "What do you want?" said a rather gruff voice. "I want to write a letter." "You can't. It's against the rules." "I must," pleaded Zell. "Oh, as you are a woman, and hope in God's mercy, don't refuse me."

Marrying well is the only chance you girls have now, and it's my only chance to live again as a lady ought, and I want to see to it that nothing is done to spoil these chances." Laura listened with a dull assent, conscious that she would marry any man now who would give her an establishment and enable her to sweep past Mr. Goulden in elegant scorn. Zell listened, purposing to marry Mr.

There was Stephen Benet's "The Beginning of Wisdom," where the revolt was a poet's, and the realist's detail selected from beauty instead of from ugliness; and Aikman's "Zell," in which youth rubs its sore shoulders against city blocks instead of university quadrangles. There was Dos Passos's "Three Soldiers," in which the boy hero is crushed by the war machine his elders have made.

I can't even forgive myself for being such a fool. But I have done with your ridiculous false pride forever." These were harsh words for a daughter to speak to her mother, under any provocation, and even Zell said: "Edith, you ought to be ashamed of yourself to speak to mother so." "I think so, too," said Laura.

It was like a horrid dream. It seemed as if she might see old Hannibal opening the door, and Zell come tripping out, or Laura at the window of her room with a book, or the portly form of her father returning from business, indeed even herself, radiant with pride and pleasure, starting for an afternoon walk as of old. All seemed to look the same. Why was it not?

"Well, as I was a-say'n', Isaac don't seem to haf no natcheral pent for the glothing business. Man gomes in and wands a goat," he seemed to be speaking of a garment and not a domestic animal, "Isaac'll zell him the goat he wands him to puy, and he'll make him believe it 'a the goat he was a lookin' for. Well, now, that's well enough as far as it goes; but you know and I know, Mr.

Of course I can't afford to marry Zell any more than you can Edith, but for all that I expect to have her here with me before many months pass, and perhaps weeks." "Look here, Van Dam, you are going too far. Remember how high the Allens once stood in society," said Gus, a little startled. "'Once stood; where do they stand now?

Laura soon regained her air of weary indifference, but Zell, hastily throwing off her wraps, came down to explore, and to question Hannibal. "Bress you, chile, it does my eyes good to see you all, ony you'se musn't take on as if we'se all dyin' with slow 'sumption."

Edith's efforts still to help Zell to better things were very pathetic, considering how unhappy and tempted she was herself. She did try, even when her own heart was breaking, to bring peace and hope to the poor creature, but she was taught how vain her efforts were, in her present mood, by Zell's saying, sharply: "Physician, heal thyself."