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At the conclusion of the program proper, an admirer of the poet asked if their young hostess would not play a certain musical something, the theme of one of the bard's effusions, and at once Jocelyn Wray complied. Lord Ronsdale stood sedulously near, turning the leaves; Steele watched the deft hand; it was slim, aristocratic and suggested possibilities in legerdemain.

True, the nomad appeared in ever increasing numbers, holding his right to the sward for a couch as an inalienable privilege; John Steele encountered him on every hand. Once, beneath a great tree, where Jocelyn Wray and he had stopped their horses to talk for a moment, the bleared, bloated face of what had been a man looked up at him.

"Hullo, Wray," he shouted, as the elder boy entered; "don't you wish it was this time to-morrow? I do, I'm mad to hear the result!" "Are you?" said Wraysford. "Yes, and so are you, you old humbug. Noll says he thinks he did pretty well, and that you answered well too. I say, what a joke if it's a dead heat, and you both get bracketed first."

Wraysford feels he must say something! "Good-bye, Greenfield," he says. "I hope " Oliver quietly takes Stephen's arm and turns on his heel. Wraysford stares after him for a moment, and then slowly goes on his way, breathing hard. "I wonder," said Pembury, after a long silence "I wonder, Wray, if it's possible we are wrong about that fellow?" Wraysford says nothing.

Cap'n George Wray, tilted back against the wall in his chair, continued to stare at the store-keeper; Cap'n Jabez Wray, did not look up from whittling the chair between his legs; their cousin, Cap'n Wray Storrell, seated on a nailkeg near the stove, went on fretting the rust on the pipe with the end of a stiff, cast-off envelope; two other captains, more or less akin to them, continued their game of checkers; the Widow Seth Wray's boy rested immovable, with his chin and hand on the counter, where he had been trying since the Widow Holman went out to catch Hackett's eye and buy a corn-ball.

Stephen wondered the roof of Saint Dominic's did not fall in upon these shameless marauders, and was just contemplating putting the stores all back again into the cupboard to prevent further piracy, when the welcome sound of Oliver's voice in the passage put an end to further suspense. "Well, here you are," said Oliver, entering with a friend. "Wray, this is my young brother, just turned up."

They sat along the four sides of the large drawing-room, looking like a black dado against the white walls, and the Rev. Cecil Wray Goodchild, the pastor of the larger number of that sombre flock, sonorously read the prayers for the dead. Hugh Knox felt that his was the right to perform that ceremony; but he was a Presbyterian, and Peter Lytton was not one of his converts.

John Steele was rather late in arriving at the house of Sir Charles Wray in Piccadilly the following Thursday. But nearly every one else was late, and, perhaps knowing the fashionable foible, he had purposely held back to avoid making himself conspicuous by being prompt.

He heard familiar tones, saw the speaker, Sir Charles, and, by his side yes, through the curtain of fog, so near he could almost reach out and touch her, he saw as in a flash, Jocelyn Wray! She, too, saw him, the man in the street, his pale face lifted up, ghost-like, from the mist. A cry fell from her lips, was lost amid other sounds.

One, two, three o'clock came, and still nothing but the storm. Stephen crouched closer up beside Wraysford, and the elder boy, as he put his arm round the younger, could feel how his chest heaved, and how his teeth chattered. "You're cold, old boy," said he, kindly. "No, I'm not, Wray," said the boy, with a gulp; "but don't talk, Wray, I "