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"You don't mean to say that if Mrs Grey had had her choice she wouldna have had her son spared to her?" "I mean that if she could have had her choice she would have preferred to leave the matter in God's hands. She would never have chosen for herself."

Then he pulled her to the ground, and, sitting down beside her, rocked himself backward and forward, his hands round his knees. She would have bartered the world for power to speak to him. "He wouldna hear o' my just carting you to some other countryside," he said confidentially.

She would be glad to get a minister, though, to the hoose, an' so I warrant the lad Wilkie 'll be to bide a' nicht at the lawyer's." "But what would Chirsty be doin' gettin' the chintz an' the fender in that case?" "Ou, she'd been expeckin' the lad, of course. Sal, she'll be in a michty tantrum aboot this. I wouldna wonder though she gets Sam'l to gang ower to the U. P's."

And finally, that two-shilling ginger-cakes were, in the very nature of things, designed for large families; and it was the part of wisdom for small families to fix their affections on something else, for she couldna and wouldna tak' it in hand to cut a rare and expensive article for a small customer. The torrent of logic was over, and I said humbly that I would take the whole loaf.

'I heard it when I was standin' close to the door, and I canna say that I'm pleased. Naither was I, ye may depend upon it, Claverhouse, but I wouldna give onybody the satisfaction of knowing what I thocht. So I just contented mysel' wi' sayin', 'Damn them baith, the are for an ungrateful scoundrel, and the other for a plottin', schemin' hypocritical Presbyterian.

Ye may think that a small matter; but before it comes night, David, ye'll give me news of it." I was anxious to redeem my character, and offered, if he would pour out the brandy, to run down and fill the bottle at the river. "I wouldna waste the good spirit either," says he. "It's been a good friend to you this night; or in my poor opinion, ye would still be cocking on yon stone. "You!"

Look ye, sir I am Scott o' Harden, and ye are Murray o' Elibank; there is no love lost between us; chance has placed my life in your hands take it, for I wouldna marry your daughter though ye should gie me life, and a' the lands o' Elibank into the bargain.

And, besides, Effie's here, too, and I wouldna have much cared if she had. And it's no' too late yet. She'll be sending me to my bed the moment the dishes are put by." But she did not.

Instead I did without my bread and cheese and my cold tea and, man, I'm tellin' ye it means a lot for Harry to forego his victuals! and went quickly along to the face where Jock was working. It happened that he was at work there alone that day, so I was able to make my plans against his coming back, and be sure it wouldna be spoiled. I had a mask and an old white sheet.

"Ah, I am sure your voice would always be for peace!" he cried. "I wouldna be too sure of that," she said. "I have my days like other folk, I suppose." "Do you know, in our old kirk, among our good old grey dames, you made an effect like sunshine." "Ah, but that would be my Glasgow clothes!" "I did not think I was so much under the influence of pretty frocks." She smiled with a half look at him.