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"I am not the only man that can draw steel in Appin; and when my kinsman and captain, Ardshiel, had a talk with a gentleman of your name, not so many years back, I could never hear that the Macgregor had the best of it." "Do ye mean my father, sir?" says Robin. "Well, I wouldna wonder," said Alan. "The gentleman I have in my mind had the ill-taste to clap Campbell to his name."

She is a vera strict pairson; the deil himsel' wouldna be suspected o' wrang-doing, if she were watching him." "Poor Maggie! David, it does seem a hard lookout for her; especially when you will be so happy with your books, and I am going on a two years' pleasure trip to America."

Meanwhile, he carried his daughter aside to the far end of the room, where he seemed to speak rather earnestly and she to listen without much inclination. "I am caring less and less about this man James," said Alan. "There's something no' right with the man James, and I wouldna wonder but what Alan Breck would give an eye to him this day.

"A verra praise-worthy sentiment, if ye practice it. But I wouldna' say ye were a Scot." "In a sense, I'm a Canadian, but from what I've seen of the Ontario Scots the difference isn't very marked. Anyhow, they don't buy new material until the old's worn out." The man chuckled, but Foster thought the girl looked interested. "Then you come from Canada," she said.

I did hear tell that it was black blood was in the likes of him, but I see now it's red enough. I'm glad of it, for I've swallowed a gill of it since I gripped his wrist, and I wouldna' like to swallow poison." "Well, then, Peg, my wench, since you're not hurt, let's take a look at the man that helped you. He's lying there mighty quiet. I'm afraid there's some harm done to him."

I've been thinkin' that oot, an' I daur say the best plan would be to partition aff a pairt o' the Home for female geniuses." "Would Parliament elect the members?" "I wouldna trust them. The election would hae to be by competitive examination. Na, I canna say wha would draw up the queistions. The scheme's juist growin' i' my mind, but the mair I think o't the better I like it."

"It was Leeby 'at I got it frae. Ye see, Joey had never seen me gaen ony gait withoot my staff, an' he thocht if he hod it I wouldna be able to gang awa. Ay, he planned it all oot, though he was but a bairn, an' lay watchin' me in my bed till I fell asleep. Syne he creepit oot o' the bed, an' got the staff, and gaed ben for Leeby.

There's not yin in a thousand that wouldna sweat himself blind to beat the Germans. The Goavernment has made mistakes, and maun be made to pay for them. If it were not so, the men would feel like a moose in a trap, for they would have no way to make their grievance felt.

"And she'll hae her will, deacon. Ye could put £5,000 in the business though, or ye could furnish for them." "My way o' furnishing wouldna suit them; and as for putting back money that David is set on wasting, I'll no do it. It is a poor well, Jenny, into which you must put water. If David's business wont stand his drafts on it, the sooner he finds it out the better."

"'Ye maun ken her weel, my mother persisted, 'to be carryin' aboot her glove; I'm dootin' ye're gey fond o' her, Jamie? "'Na, said Jamie, 'am no. There's no naebody I care for like yersel, mother. "'Ye wouldna carry aboot onything o' mine, Jamie, my mother said; but he says, 'Oh, mother, I carry aboot yer face wi' me aye; an' sometimes at nicht I kind o' greet to think o' ye.