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He replied that it did not incommode him; and as for being up another flight of stairs, 'it was a comfort to him to know that when he was in a state of somnolent helplessness he was as near heaven as it was possible to get in an actor's house. The same lady was taking him roundly to task on some minor point in which he had quite justly offended her; whereupon he turned to her husband and said, 'Jane worships but little at the shrine of politeness because so much of her time is mortgaged to the shrine of truth.

As the indictment was read against these men for "preaching the gospel contrary to law," a deep and solemn voice interrupted the proceedings. Patrick Henry had come on horseback many a mile over roughest roads to listen to the trial, and this phrase, which savoured of the religious despotisms of old, was quite too much for him. "May it please your worships," he exclaimed, "what did I hear read?

She worships, and that is your way of pulling gods to the ground." "Does she understand good English?" "Speaks it." "Can she write?" "I have never had a letter from her." "You tell me Morsfield admires the woman would marry her to-morrow, if he could get her." "He would go through the ceremony Ormont has performed, I do not doubt." "I don't doubt all of you are ready. She doesn't encourage one?"

The lover worships the beloved, whether man or woman; but marriage bears rather hard on the ideal in either case; and those who pray out of the same book, "Have mercy upon us, miserable sinners," are not supposed to be offering up petitions for each other only. We all know many women whose lives are made wretched by the sins and follies of their husbands.

When the tired mechanic comes home at night and meets one whom he has wisely chosen, he forgets his sharp day of labour as soon as his overalls are off. No snappish word greets him; and he is incapable of being ill-natured with the kind soul whom he worships in his rough way.

Thought and knowledge, as we have said before, is eminently something individual, and of our own; the more we possess it as strictly of our own, the more power it has on us. Man worships best, therefore, with the community; he philosophises best alone.

Only at early morning, when the eastern sky blushed with warm gold and rose tints, or at even, when the great liquid ball of fire dropped behind the distant violet- colored hills, could you locate him. Does the Indian worship this awful majesty out of fear, as the Chinaman worships the devil? Next morning dawned still and portentous. Not a zephyr breeze stirred the leaves of the trees.

Truly they are a gold mine, these Western seas; but even better than getting gold is the thrashing of those haughty Spaniards, who seem to look upon themselves as gods, and on all others as fit only to clean their worships' boots." "They cannot fight neither, can they?" asked a young sailor.

I need not tell your worships, that this was done with so much cunning and artifice that the great Locke, who was seldom outwitted by false sounds was nevertheless bubbled here.

Dropping his insulting tones and manner, Deerfoot said: "The Shawanoe knows not whether the God he worships will save him; he never cares nor thinks of that. He knows that whatever his Father chooses to do is right, and if He does not wish to take care of the Shawanoe, it is right. He will go to heaven, the abode of those who obey God, when he is called.