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Updated: August 18, 2024

It was my thrilling task to keep them away from him. Hard as I pulled, I failed to keep at least one of them from him. He took it with a "wop," his bill half out of the water, and as he turned with a splash R. C. had his bait right there. Smash! The swordfish sheered off, with the bait shining white in his bill.

"This is something like," he said, luxuriously. "Wot a 'evinly clear drop for a bullet acrost! How much d'you make it, Mulvaney?" "Seven hunder. Maybe a trifle less, bekaze the air's so thin." Wop! Wop! Wop! went a volley of musketry on the rear face of the north hill. "Curse them Mixed Pickles firin' at nothin'! They'll scare arf the country."

"Well, I'm glad your mother was American," he declared, beginning to strum upon the piano and inviting her to a seat beside him. But Maria Angelina remained looking through her music. "Then I am only half a Wop," said she. She added, bright mischief between her long lashes, "What is it then a Wop?" Johnny Byrd, striking random chords, looked up at her.

"What else?" urged Big Jim. 'Masso looked blank. "I mean," said Big Jim, "did you like our laws better'n yours? Did you like our ways better?" 'Masso shrugged his shoulders. "Don' care 'bout countra if maka da mon'. Why you come desa countra?" Big Jim's drawl seemed to bite like the slow gouge of a stone chisel. "I was born here, you Wop! This very dirt made the food that made me, understand?

The more money the wop spends the bigger sport he thinks he is, but a fellow professional has honorable intentions, sometimes, and it is considered wise not to show what you are accustomed to until after he has bought the ring or written some letters.

"Ay, and wop em, too!" cried the little man, dodging, ducking. "Ave a slap at em first, and then go through that's my idee." "It's not mine, though!" roared the Parson, catching him a rousing kick. "Get on with your undressing, d your eyes!" He finished his note and folded it. "And now for the sweet little cherub that sits up aloft." He ran nimbly up the ladder, Kit at his heels.

Peekins, you small villian as was a blue spider only a week since, if you ever talks of them things being nasty again, I'll wop you!" "You hear that, Bax?" said Guy Foster, who, being only a few paces ahead of the boys, had overheard the remark, spoken as it was in rather a loud key. Bax nodded his head, and smiled, but made no reply.

"If there's a man on the isthmus in any better physical shape than I am, I'll " He interrupted himself to begin again eagerly. "I'll make you a sporting proposition," he announced "I'll fight any man on the isthmus ten rounds no matter who he is, a wop laborer, shovel man, Barbadian nigger, marine, anybody and if he can knock me out I'll stop drinking.

I went to the same school with him over on the East Side a good many years ago." "Don't forget to tell him how the wop licked the Jew," broke in the prisoner. "Remember how the scrap started?" He spat again and this time he did not miss. Ginsburg put up his gloved hand and wiped clean a face that with passion had turned a mottle of red-and-white blotches.

I bawled out, "My name's not Master Rattlin you're a liar and when father comes from the pit he'll wop you." This threat seemed to have an effect the very reverse of what I had intended. Perhaps he thought that he had already enough to contend with, without the addition of the brawny arm of the sawyer.

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