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On their arrival at Albany, the sight of Dolph's companion seemed to cause universal satisfaction. Many were the greetings at the river side, and the salutations in the streets: the dogs bounded before him; the boys whooped as he passed; every body seemed to know Antony Vander Heyden.

Then the light of the full moon began to suffuse his face, until he exploded with: "That was my other dog. Well, I guess she's a widow now. Oh! Ho! ho! E! he! he! Ho!" he whooped after me, and I turned and fled swiftly over the hill. The week passed by, and on Saturday evening I said to him, "You go away Monday, don't you?" He nodded his head and grinned.

Tutts was revived from a fainting condition by a drink while "Baby" Briggs was relieved of his weapon. "Take your pardners for a quadrille!" yelled Curly, the camp cook, rising from his chair. The guests scrambled for places in the quickly formed sets. "Swing your pardner!" he whooped. Andy P. Symes slipped his arm about Essie Tisdale's waist and the dance moved fast and furious.

And though winter was no gentle thing in Montana, there was a tingle in the cold, sharp air that made a boy want to whoop and to get on his snowshoes and go after rabbits, which wise old Nature had also turned white, so that they could blend in with the color of the landscape and the better avoid their enemies. Not that Injun ever whooped; he never did.

He scrambled hurriedly back down the broken parapet into the trench. "Come on, you fellows," he shouted to two or three nearby men who continued to fire their rifles over the parapet. "It's no use waitin' here any longer." A heavy shell whooped roaring over them and crashed thunderously close behind the parapet. Bunthrop paid no slightest heed to it.

"They're licked already, Frank!" whooped Andy, as he daringly began to advance with his flaming beacons swinging around and around. "Look at the coward moving back, would you? Talk to me about your guns, they ain't in it with these things, when it comes to scaring off a pack of wild beasts. Scat! you terror, or I'll just swat you one alongside your jaw. Growl at me, will you?

They had not annoyed her by coming into the yard, as they might have done if their officers had not been along to restrain them, but they had whooped and yelled and threatened in a way that was enough to frighten anybody.

Not a thing could be seen. The torch flared low, for a chill, damp breeze began to blow, in fitful fashion, heralding the storm. Maria whooped at intervals, and back came the cry in reply. "They sound right ahead," spoke Mr. Grigsby. "Easy, boys." "I see them! I see them!" exclaimed Charley.

"It was right funny the first time we beat a native team. Of course, we got together and cheered 'em. They thought we were cheering ourselves, so they got red in the face, rushed together and whooped it up for themselves for about half an hour." The Blight almost laughed.

Whenever Garth was at a loss to express his feelings, he whacked Charley between the shoulders, until the boy coughed. In the end, speech failing them completely, they whooped and capered about the shack like wild things. "I say!" said Garth suddenly. "We're giving ourselves away nicely! The news has reached Mabyn and Grylls by this time." They quieted down.