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Updated: August 29, 2024

Hereby the new-comer thought he knew who this would be, and he rode to peopled parts and told how Grettir had ridden by. So when Thorir came home, many deemed that Grettir had done the bed well over their heads. But Thorir set spies on Grettir's ways, whereso he might be.

"'The time of parting, cry they, 'draweth nigh': * 'How oft this parting-threat? I but reply: I've naught to do but cross the wild and wold * And, mile by mile, o'er fountless wastes to fly, If the beloved seek another land * Sons of the road, whereso they wend, wend I. I make desire direct me to their side, * The guide to show me where the way doth lie."

So came the swearing to an end, and they fell to on their meat and feasted on the Boar of Atonement after they had duly given the Gods their due share, and the wine went about the hall and men were merry till they drank the parting cup and fared to rest in the shut-beds, and whereso else they might in the Hall and the House, for there were many men there.

Hate me not rancorously because of that I did with thee; for he who hath power and forgiveth, his reward Allah giveth; even as saith the poet, 'Sow kindness-seed in the unfittest stead; * 'Twill not be wasted whereso thou shalt sow: For kindness albe buried long, yet none * Shall reap the crop save sower who garred it grow."

Then were he welcome in this worlds-realm, come whereso he came, and though he were at Rome, all that heard of Arthur tell, it seemed to them great marvel of the good king!

"Ah, please you sir, it hath no direction from here; by reason that the road lieth not straight, but turneth evermore; wherefore the direction of its place abideth not, but is some time under the one sky and anon under another, whereso if ye be minded that it is in the east, and wend thitherward, ye shall observe that the way of the road doth yet again turn upon itself by the space of half a circle, and this marvel happing again and yet again and still again, it will grieve you that you had thought by vanities of the mind to thwart and bring to naught the will of Him that giveth not a castle a direction from a place except it pleaseth Him, and if it please Him not, will the rather that even all castles and all directions thereunto vanish out of the earth, leaving the places wherein they tarried desolate and vacant, so warning His creatures that where He will He will, and where He will not He "

My son, beware, and be no author new Of tidings, whether they be false or true; Whereso thou comest, among high or low, Keep well thy tongue, and think upon the crow. At the same time, his frequently recurring announcements of his desire to be brief have the effect of making his narrative appear to halt, and thus unfortunately defeat their own purpose.

Whereso they preach, 'tis said, the very women will leave their distaffs, and begin to talk of sacred matter most unbecoming and scandalous it is! I avise you, my son, to have none ado with such, and to keep to the wholesome direction of your own priest, which shall be far more to your profit." "I cry you mercy, reverend Father! Truly it was not of mine own motion that I asked the same.

When I drive the herds it shall be at the neighbours' bidding whereso they will; not necks of men shall I smite, but the stalks of the tall wheat, and the boles of the timber-trees which the woodreeve hath marked for felling; the stilts of the plough rather than the hilts of the sword shall harden my hands; my shafts shall be for the deer, and my spears for the wood-boar, till war and sorrow fall upon us, and I fight for the ceasing of war and trouble.

So the tale tells, that by then they had been two winters on Drangey, they had slaughtered well-nigh all the sheep that were there, but one ram, as men say, they let live; he was piebald of belly and head, and exceeding big-horned; great game they had of him, for he was so wise that he would stand waiting without, and run after them whereso they went; and he would come home to the hut anights and rub his horns against the door.

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