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"No doubt he's saying to himself: 'Shucks! Where's that hermit or hermitess " merrily, "'with the frog in her throat, or the great, big worm?" "Oh! do-o try it again, anyway?" pleaded the visitors together. "It's won-der-ful! We'll be as still as still as a nun's chapel!"

Where's that will, rogue? What have you done wi' 't?" Vetch turned a shade paler, I thought. I had never said a word to him about the loss of my father's will, and had no intention of doing so, biding my time, and I was a little vexed that Joe in his impetuous espousal of my cause had let the fellow know of our suspicions.

They're payin' 10 times that in some places." "I tell you, we didn't enlist for the bounty," reiterated Harry. "All the same, you don't want to be robbed o' what's yours. You don't want to be skinned out o' your money by a gang o' snoozers who're gittin' rich off of green boys like you. Where's this Sarjint Klegg and Corpril Elliott that brung you here?" "They've gone to look for the rijimint."

I never bet in the teeth of a pat hand. Sabe? Besides, my young Mormon cub, when did you enter this game? Where's your ante? For the sport of it, now, what do you think of putting up, to make it interesting? One of your mammies? Tut, tut!"

Cahill, or can you get over to the circus grounds alone?" "Don't worry about me, my boy. I'll take care of myself." "Your seat will be right next to mine, and we can talk while we are watching the performers." "Yes; you run along now. Here's a quarter for spending money. Never mind thanking me. Just take it and have a good time. Where's your friend?" "Teddy?" "Yes." "Over on the lot."

"Sick is it?" was the quick retort, as the corporal sniffed at the tainted breath of the sufferer. "Be the powers! I only wish I had half his disayse." And then came Feeny, glaring, wrathful. "Come down off the top of that horse, Mullan," he ordered, fiercely. "How how'd ye get here? Which way'd ye come? Where's the rest?"

"John, that's the first glimmer of sense you ever showed, and it's the first time I ever wanted to see that lawyer." Turning to the telephone she said: "I'll send for my lawyer at once and he'll know what to do. Where's the man?" After a moment: "I'll send a car down and get him. Have him come here at once if he'll come." She left the telephone and turned a very scared face to John.

The light-gray eyes of the forger had narrowed perceptibly as he recognized the identity of the unceremonious caller, while the lines of his firmly set mouth took on an added fixity. "Well?" he demanded. His voice was emotionless. "Just a little friendly call," Cassidy announced, in his strident voice. "Where's the lady of the house?" "Out." It was Aggie who spoke, very sharply.

Rest in the chairs which stood round the big hearth and smouldering wood-fire was so extremely comfortable, as they all dropped down, that nobody moved or spoke, or knew how long it was before there was a voice on the stairs 'Eh? what's this, Annaple? An accident? Where's Janet? and a tall burly figure, candle in hand, in a dressing-gown and slippers, was added to the group.

They exchanged the conventionalities, and thereafter the white man sat eyeing the other peculiarly, analytically. "Well, where's your game?" he queried at last. "There seemed to be enough around when I came." The Indian smiled; the smile of one accustomed to being misunderstood. "I wasn't hunting," he said. "I was merely watching."