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Guard over her, ye angels! wheresoe'er and whatsoe'er ye are! For she shall be your meet companion in an after-day. Then love your gentle friend, this sinless child of clay! The morning passed as mornings ever pass where twenty women, for the most part pretty, are met together. Some read, some drew, some worked, all talked.

O thou, exaggerating blame for what befel, enough * I bear with patience whatsoe'er hath writ for me the Pen! I swear, by Allah, ne'er to find aught comfort for their loss; * "Tis oath of passion's children and their oaths are ne'er in vain. O Night! Salams of me to friends and let to them be known * Of thee true knowledge how I wake and waking ever wone."

"Mistress, I may not call thee because of thy garb. Master, I cannot because of thy sex; but whatsoe'er thou art, tell old Margery why thou art so dressed, and why you wander forth alone?" "Woman, are you in very truth a witch?" cried the girl in astonishment. "So men call me," returned Margery dryly.

Then gramercy! for the Black Friar; Heaven sain him! fair or foul, And whatsoe'er may be his prayer Let ours be for his soul." Such is the story of the goblin friar, which, partly through old tradition, and partly through the influence of Lord Byron's rhymes, has become completely established in the Abbey, and threatens to hold possession so long as the old edifice shall endure.

By your submission, whatsoe'er he seem, In time you'll make the greater Slave of him. Am. Well not from the hope of that, but from my Love, His change of humour I'm content to prove. Here take me, Alcander; Whilst to Inconstancy I bid adieu, I find variety enough in you. King.

Our bond is not the bond of man and wife. This good is in it, whatsoe'er of ill, It can be broken easier. I for you This many a year have done despite and wrong To one whom ever in my heart of hearts I did acknowledge nobler. What are these? Diamonds for me! they had been thrice their worth Being your gift, had you not lost your own. To loyal hearts the value of all gifts Must vary as the giver's.

We know not; for the faint, exhausted rays Which hither on Light's wingèd coursers come From fires which ages since first lit their blaze, One instant gleam, then perish, spent and dumb! How strange the thought that, whatsoe'er we learn, Our tiny globe no answer can return, Since with but dull, reflected beams we burn!

Bloomfield followed his great example in dividing his poem into the four seasons, and he begins, Thomson-like, with an invitation to the Muse: O come, blest spirit, whatsoe'er thou art, Thou kindling warmth that hov'rest round my heart.

"'A Sunday well spent brings a week of content And health for the toils of the morrow; But a Sabbath profaned, whatsoe'er may be gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow." "Yes, mother, I remember them; and capital lines they are. Dr.

And now might we have been at rest, and have thanked God on our knees by day and night. For, besides mercifully saving us out of such great tribulation, he turned the hearts of my beloved flock, so that they knew not how to do enough for us. Every day they brought us fish, meat, eggs, sausages, and whatsoe'er besides they could give me, and which I have since forgotten.