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Updated: August 3, 2024

He had no visible means of existence except a small allowance from his father. His four sisters, who were at a boarding-school on Clapham Common, used to save their pin-money and send it to their gifted brother so that he might not actually starve. These sisters he used to call upon from time to time, and through them he made the acquaintance of a sixteen-year-old girl named Harriet Westbrook.

I shall certainly come to York, but HARRIET WESTBROOK will decide whether now or in three weeks. Her father has persecuted her in a most horrible way, by endeavouring to compel her to go to school. She asked my advice: resistance was the answer, at the same time that I essayed to mollify Mr. W. in vain! And in consequence of my advice SHE has thrown herself upon MY protection.

And on his death-bed, it was not the secret of Alice, but that of Mary Westbrook and his daughter, which he had revealed to his dismayed and astonished nephew, in excuse for the apparently unjust alienation of his property, and as the cause of the alliance he had sought.

IT may be remembered that in the earlier part of this continuation of the history of Maltravers it was stated that Aubrey had in early life met with the common lot of a disappointed affection. Eleanor Westbrook, a young woman of his own humble rank, had won, and seemed to return, his love; but of that love she was not worthy.

I am glad that we are to meet no one, for my Girls sake, as it would be awkward for them to enter too wide a Circle on the very first day. But we shall proceed by degrees. Tomorrow Mr Stanly's family will drink tea with us, and perhaps the Miss Phillips's will meet them. On Tuesday we shall pay Morning Visits On Wednesday we are to dine at Westbrook. On Thursday we have Company at home.

I 'ain't had many clothes, an' I 'ain't ever been to meetin' lately, my coat got so ragged." Elmira was crying. "How did you get here to-night, father?" Jerome asked, huskily. "I walked from West Linfield; started yesterday afternoon. I come as far as Westbrook, an' it began to snow. I put up at Hayes's Tavern." "At Hayes's Tavern, with all that money!" exclaimed Elmira.

I hope you were on time with your New York story." "Thank you. It went through nicely!" Kathleen answered in a low tone. "I just stopped for a moment to ask you to come to a little jollification in Miriam's room to-night. We want Patience, too." "Miss Eliot went to Westbrook this afternoon. She will not return until to-morrow morning.

I thought I wouldn't try to get word to Westbrook, it's so far; but mebbe I'd send to Granby there's some there that might come." "Well," said Paulina Maria, "I shouldn't be surprised if as many as a dozen came, an' supper 'll have to be got for 'em. What are you goin' to do about black, Ann?" "I thought mebbe I could borrow a black bonnet an' a veil.

Harriet Westbrook was the daughter of a black-visaged keeper of a coffee-house in Mount Street, called "Jew Westbrook," partly because of his complexion, and partly because of his ability to retain what he had made. He was, indeed, fairly well off, and had sent his younger daughter, Harriet, to the school where Shelley's sisters studied.

If you'll give me about half an hour of your time I'll prove to you that I am right. I'll prove it by Louise." "Your wife!" exclaimed Westbrook. "How?" "Well, not exactly by her, but with her," said Dawe. "Now, you know how devoted and loving Louise has always been. She thinks I'm the only genuine preparation on the market that bears the old doctor's signature.

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