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All the youths seized their weapons; the huge war-drums, the hollowed bole of a tree fringed with Nyare hide, was set up in the middle of the street; preparations for the week of singing and dancing which precedes a campaign were already in hand, and one war-man gave earnest of blood-shed by spearing a goat the property of Mr. Tippet.

Suddenly, as we stood gazing open-mouthed in wonder, the roar of a hundred war-drums beaten somewhere in the vicinity of the enormous representation of the terrible deity of Mo rolled and echoed to the innermost recesses of the subterranean vault, and just as they had ceased we distinctly saw the giant jaws of the crocodile slowly open.

Let them take warning in time, let them organize and establish their own machinery of information and propaganda so that when the crisis came, when the money-masters of America sounded the war-drums, there might be not the destruction and desolation which these masters willed, but the joy and freedom of the Co-operative Commonwealth! "How many years we Socialists have warned you!" he cried.

They come in a great war-canoe to kill and rob as did the black-bearded one who has just left us." Kaviri leaped to his feet. He had but recently had a taste of the white man's medicine, and his savage heart was filled with bitterness and hate. In another moment the rumble of the war-drums rose from the village, calling in the hunters from the forest and the tillers from the fields.

I'll no' say but what my blood ran cold, but the Governor's eye got brighter and his back stiffer. "Kings may be blest," I says to myself, "but thou art glorious." "'We rode straight for the centre of the crowd, where the young men were thickest and the big war-drums lay. As soon as they saw us a dozen lifted their spears and ran out to meet us. But they stopped after six steps.

Off to northward, dull, muffled, all but inaudible, they both heard a rhythmic pulsing, strangely barbaric. "Heavens!" ejaculated Stern. "War-drums! Tom-toms, as I live!" "Tom-toms? So they are savages?" exclaimed the girl, taking a quick breath. "But what then?" "Don't just know, yet. It's a fact, though; they're certainly savages. Two tribes, one with torches, one with drums.

The tomb was subsequently levelled to the ground by an explosion of gun-cotton and the débris was cleared away. I had a good look over the Khalifa's war arsenal. There were plenty of cannon, old and new, as well as machine guns, rifles, pistols, and fowling pieces of all kinds. Musical instruments, war-drums, elephants' tusks used as horns, coats of chain-mail old and new, and steel helmets.

When ready to return, the chief made a speech and besought the blessing of the Good Spirit on Maidwa and his friends. They parted, each on its course, making music with their war-drums, which could be heard from afar as they glittered with waving feathers in the morning sun, in their march over the prairie, which was lost in the distant sky.

The sound of the drums, as he echoed them in the curious tone-words of Marquesan, thrilled me through. I heard the booming of the ten-foot war-drums, their profound and far-reaching call like the roaring of lions in the jungle.

There is a piercing cry and a roll of war-drums, and suddenly the edges of the forest are full of leaping and dancing forms. The plateau is alive as with an army. Pipes play, shells rattle, and drums roll, and the fantastic forms with grotesque motions pass and repass each other. Up the Columbia comes a fleet of canoes like a cloud passing over the silvery ripples.