United States or Chad ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Make this resolution, send this message to all the nations of the earth that the men of all nations and all races are your brothers, and that never will you consent to shed their blood. If the money-masters and the exploiters want war, let them have it, but let it be among themselves! Let them take the bombs and shells they have made and go out against one another!

Let them take warning in time, let them organize and establish their own machinery of information and propaganda so that when the crisis came, when the money-masters of America sounded the war-drums, there might be not the destruction and desolation which these masters willed, but the joy and freedom of the Co-operative Commonwealth! "How many years we Socialists have warned you!" he cried.

You note that idea continually in the writings of Professor Goldwin Smith, who was a free-thinker, but also a bourgeois publicist, with a deep sense of responsibility to the money-masters of the world. He was about as honest a man as the capitalist system can produce; he was the beau ideal of the New York "Evening Post", which indicates his point of view.

The money-masters, the profit-seekers, would leap to take advantage of the collapse over the seas; there would be jealousies, disputes let the audience understand, once for all, that if world-capitalism did not make this a world-war, it would be only because the workers of America took warning, and made their preparations to frustrate the conspiracy.