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He can walk when you wind the other side of him, but so slowly and awkwardly that he would delay you. But if I go along, I can carry him in my arms, so I will join your party. Whenever you are ready to start, let me know." "But Your Majesty!" exclaimed Corporal Waddle in protest, "I hope you do not intend to let these prisoners escape without punishment."

"I shall be very glad to have you visit me, only you must be careful to keep away from my feet, for I can't see, and I might step on you." "I'll be careful," said the Duckling. "I can't waddle much anyway this morning, because my leg hurts me so." "Why, I'm sorry you are lame," said the Horse. "What is the matter?" "A Weasel bit me in the night, sir.

"Why, it's from Brother Obie to you!" exclaimed his mother, while his father drew near and said, "Well, well!" "And look inside! I haven't half looked yet," said Obie, "but you look, Ma! I just want you to look!" Ma opened the box, and then the purse, and then the fourteen round objects wrapped in white paper. And they made a fine glitter on the red tablecloth. "Well, well!" repeated Mr. Waddle.

Alas! how few women can walk! how many are wilfully averse to attempting any such motion! They scuffle, they trip, they trot, they amble, they waddle, they crawl, they drag themselves on painfully, as though the flounces and furbelows around them were a burden too heavy for easy, graceful motion; but, except in Spain, they rarely walk. In this respect our heroine was equal to an Andalusian.

Toby may have had an obstruction in his vocal cords, but he could run like a streak; on the other hand, while Bandy-legs could not be said to have an elegant walk, which some hateful fellows compared to the waddle of a duck, there was nothing the matter with his command of language, for he could rattle on like the machinery in one of Carson's mills.

"You ain't on the square, Captain. That's what you ain't," he said at last. It must be owned that the accusation was just, and it was made so loudly that Waddle did not at all exaggerate in saying that there had been words. Nevertheless, when Ralph left the shop Neefit relented. "You come to me, Captain, when Moggs's bit of stiff comes round."

Heads are by no means kept so carefully shaved as in Morocco, and I have seen hair which looked as though only treated with scissors, and that rarely. This is especially observable in the case of the many very stout individuals who waddle about like ducks in their ungainly breeches.

They were so fully domesticated as to make free with all the refuse of the village and even to waddle into the huts in croaking search of plunder; yet they nested among the broken rocks along the cliff to northward of the place. There they built clumsy structures of weed for their eggs and their incredibly ugly young.

"I'm glad it got away," whispered Alice, "for I don't like to see the poor fish caught." Then, in about two quacks and a waddle, the boy pulled up his pole again, and this time he didn't have anything on the hook, either. So he said again: "Oh, dear me, and an angle worm! That's two big fish that have gotten loose."

Enter together three stout men, a yard across the shoulders, each with an enormous development in front, waddle up to the bar, attempt to form a triangular group for conversation, but find themselves too far apart to talk in that position, and so arrange themselves side by side a most distinguished-looking party, like a portion of a swell-front street in Boston.