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"My lofely Esther, mein anchel of lofe," said the banker, "do not speak to me like dat. I tell you, I should not care ven all de vorld took me for a tief, if you should tink me ein honest man. I lofe you every day more and more." "That is my intention," said Esther. "And I will never again say anything to distress you, my pet elephant, for you are grown as artless as a baby.

Her eyes closed, and she fell into a gentle sleep. "She vake no more in dis vorld," said Mrs. Bruder, in an awed tone. Mr. Bruder, unable to control his feelings any longer, hurried from the room. His wife, with streaming eyes, silently dressed the little girls, and took them home with her, crying piteously all the way for mamma.

So, after all, it will be money deposited at interest." "You are right, mein anchel; you know the vorld," he replied. "You shall be mein adfiser." "Well, you see," said Esther, "how I study my man's interest, his position and honor. Go at once and bring those fifty thousand francs." She wanted to get rid of Monsieur de Nucingen so as to get a stockbroker to sell the bond that very afternoon.

"Is this gentleman the son, brother, or father of the deceased?" inquired the official. "I am all dat and more pesides I am his friend," said Schmucke through a torrent of weeping. "Are you his heir?" "Heir? . . ." repeated Schmucke. "Noding matters to me more in dis vorld," returning to his attitude of hopeless sorrow. "Where are the relatives, the friends?" asked the master of the ceremonies.

'Ere's the children; now sit right down wth hus, and velcome. Since we're neighbors we'll be neighborly and friendly like; and before yer know hit, yer'll be snug and comfortable hin your hown rooms, and yer can be jist as 'appy bin 'em has hever yer vas him yer life. Bein' poor and 'aving to vork hain't the vorst troubles in the vorld."

"Sartin sure," answered Becky; "it is only ven vun is down in the vorld that vun goes to the Ticker-shop. Now, h-indeed," and she looked round very proudly, "I 'as a 'spectable stashion, and I vould n't go for to lower it, and let 'em say that Becky Carruthers does not know how to conduct herself. The curril will be safe enuff now; but p'r'aps you had best take it yourself, lad."

"Is this gentleman the son, brother, or father of the deceased?" inquired the official. "I am all dat and more pesides I am his friend," said Schmucke through a torrent of weeping. "Are you his heir?" "Heir?..." repeated Schmucke. "Noding matters to me more in dis vorld," returning to his attitude of hopeless sorrow. "Where are the relatives, the friends?" asked the master of the ceremonies.

That night I dined with Sir George White, who had held the town for four months against all comers, and was placed next to Hamilton, who won the fight at Elandslaagte and beat the Boers off Waggon Hill, and next but one to Hunter, whom everyone said was the finest man in the vorld. Never before had I sat in such brave company nor stood so close to a great event.

"All the world will bless you! All women will be grateful as I am grateful " "Ach!" he snapped with a sudden change of countenance. "I shall be von more name and date to make harter t'e student's lessons and longer t'e tables t'at is gratitude! Vit' t'e vorld we haf at present no concern.

In fact, Tom, for the moment, feared that it was all over. But good old Dr. Kurtz, noting the look on the lad's face, said: "Ach, Dom, doan't vorry! Maybe it vill yet all be vell, und der vater vill hear of der great race. Bluck up your courage, und doan't gif up. Der greatest surgeon in der vorld is here now, und if anybody gan safe your vater, Herr Hendriz gan.