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And I, meanwhile, who had before been losing caste among my friends, as holding myself aloof from the associations of the body, began to rise in everybody's favor. "Ingham's a good fellow, always on hand"; "never talks much, but does the right thing at the right time"; "is not as unpunctual as he used to be, he comes early, and sits through to the end."

The hounds, which they all had come to see, were never looked at. Mr. Waffles, like many men with nothing to do, was most unpunctual. He never seemed to know what o'clock it was, and yet he had a watch, hung in chains, and gewgaws, like a lady's chatelaine. Hunting partook of the general confusion. He did not profess to throw off till eleven, but it was often nearly twelve before he cast up.

"I don't wish you to be unpunctual, but I object equally to your returning unnecessarily early when you wish to stay." "But I couldn't help it, grandpa," Jewel began earnestly, when he interrupted her. "So I've brought you this," he added, and took from his pocket an oblong package, sealed at each end.

I took some, for I was exceedingly hungry; and then the conversation lapsed, began again vaguely, and lapsed again. We all know that wretched quarter of an hour, or half hour, which unpunctual guests make us pass in famine and fatigue while they keep dinner waiting. Upon my word, we waited till half-past eleven before dinner was announced.

Philip and Mildred arrived first and had to wait some time for Griffiths. "He's an unpunctual devil," said Philip. "He's probably making love to one of his numerous flames." But presently he appeared.

'I don't know about bail, he said: 'it's very dangerous, very; why didn't you send for Mr. Norman or your cousin? 'Because I didn't choose, said Charley 'because I preferred sending to some one I could pay for the trouble. 'Ha ha ha, laughed M'Ruen; 'but that's just it can you pay? You owe me a great deal of money, Mr. Tudor. You are so unpunctual, you know.

Malicorne began to scratch his ear, as he asked, "What time did the king fix for the rendezvous in your apartments?" "Two o'clock." "And you were waiting for the king?" "Ever since half-past one; it would have been a fine thing, indeed, to have been unpunctual with his majesty." Malicorne, notwithstanding his respect for Saint-Aignan, could not help smiling.

Perhaps they have something else instead to make up for it something that we've no idea of. I say it's half-past one!" So Austin was late for lunch after all, and got a scolding from Aunt Charlotte, who told him that it was exceedingly ill-bred to inconvenience other people by habitual unpunctuality. Austin was very penitent, and promised he'd never be unpunctual again if he lived to be a hundred.

"This case," said the noble Patrolman McDonogh with unpunctual inspiration, "had ought to be looked into by rights." "Chauffeur," said John Sedyard to the shadowy form before him, "just pick out the darkest streets, will you?" "Yes, sir," answered the chauffeur looking up into the bland smile and the outstretched hand above him. "I'll make it if I can but if we get stopped, don't blame me."

It may be inferred from this letter that Lady Purbeck left the convent for the simple reason that she was not comfortable in it even the "superlatively virtuous" do not like to be dinnerless and that, either because she was unpunctual, or because she was inclined to make complaints, the Abbess was relieved when she took her departure.