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'Not a doit, said Charley; 'but I shall be up the spout altogether if you don't do something to help me. 'But you are so unpunctual, Mr. Tudor. 'Oh, d it; you'll make me sick if you say that again. What else do you live by but that? But I positively must have some money from you to-day. If not I am done for. 'I don't think I can, Mr. Tudor; not to-day, Mr.

Its aspect delighted her, but the conflict of her emotions was so disturbing that she had to pause and seek the support of her sister's arm. 'I've never been inside, Monica answered indistinctly. 'Come; we shall be unpunctual. 'I do wish you would tell me, dear 'I can't talk, Virgie. Try and keep quiet, and behave as if it were all quite natural. This was altogether beyond Virginia's power.

And now you can't go until the night express, and I really can't wait to see you off by that. I have an appointment at the Bank of England at four. God bless you, my dear duke. Make my adieux to my niece, and tell her that if the men of her family had been as unpunctual as the women seem to be, they never would have established banks all over Europe."

Such was the irresistible potency of her personality, that anything but the most implicit obedience to her wishes was felt to be impossible; but sometimes somebody was unpunctual; and unpunctuality was one of the most heinous of sins. Then her displeasure her dreadful displeasure became all too visible. At such moments there seemed nothing surprising in her having been the daughter of a martinet.

I went a little after seven o'clock to keep my dinner engagement at -'s; for very young men are seldom unpunctual at dinner. Of course, all the knot declared the dinner was superb; called in the master to eulogize him in person, and made him, to his infinite dismay, swallow a bumper of his own hock.

Let any teacher select the unpunctual scholars a class who most seriously interfere with the interests of the school and let men of business select those who cause them most waste of time and vexation, by unpunctuality; and it will be found that they are generally among the late risers, and rarely among those who rise early.

I can't stand talking to servants. I say, 'If I speak to you, well and good' and it's another thing besides if she were pretty." "Well, I hope our ugly cook will have lunch ready in a minute," said Agnes. "We're frightfully unpunctual this morning, and I daren't say anything, because it was the same yesterday, and if I complain again they might leave. Poor Rickie must be starved."

I went a little after seven o'clock to keep my dinner engagement at -'s; for very young men are seldom unpunctual at dinner. Of course, all the knot declared the dinner was superb; called in the master to eulogize him in person, and made him, to his infinite dismay, swallow a bumper of his own hock.

Even in those early days, he made a point of visiting every room in the house once each morning, and if a chair was out of its place, or a blind not quite straight, or a crumb left on the floor, woe betide the offender. And then his punctuality! It was almost frightful to an unpunctual mind!

"If I said anything that pained you, I am sorry for it; but do not always keep it alive against me." "There is the rose of Rosendal, mother, and the jewel of Hardy Place," said Hardy to his mother, on his unpunctual return to lunch. "She is so good and single-minded that it is impossible to invent ways of teasing her." "Then I should not try, John," said his mother.