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There were a score of mild matter-of-fact Unas on the same Elevated train with her, in their black hats and black jackets and black skirts and white waists, with one hint of coquetry in a white-lace jabot or a white-lace veil; faces slightly sallow or channeled with care, but eyes that longed to flare with love; women whom life didn't want except to type its letters about invoices of rubber heels; women who would have given their salvation for the chance to sacrifice themselves for love.... And there was one man on that Elevated train, a well-bathed man with cynical eyes, who read a little book with a florid gold cover, all about Clytemnestra, because he was certain that modern cities have no fine romance, no high tragedy; that you must go back to the Greeks for real feeling.

The six shouldered the litter of the crown princess-to-be, Menes mounted his horse and rode beside her; Unas, her Memphian train, and the riderless horses were left to bring up the rear, and Masanath continued to the capital. "Perchance, thou hast been famished these fourteen days in the matter of court-gossip," the captain said.

He acted like a spy, for he followed her to the cave, found where she had hidden the child, and threatened to kill it unless she would marry him. Gunhild had no love for this dangerous stranger, but she dearly loved her little son, and with much reluctance she consented to marry Unas to save the babe's life. Such was the first event in the life of the later King Sverre.

He carried a knife at the juncture of the neck and shoulder. Instantly there was a chorus of yells. "She-devil! Hyena!" Unas detached himself from the struggle and plunged after Rachel, now in full sight of Kenkenes.

The house of Unas perisheth not in the sky, the throne of Unas perisheth not on the earth. Nut, the Great Lady, hath unfolded her arms to Unas. She hath made them into two divine souls at the head of the Souls of Anu, under the head of . The throne of Unas is by thee, , he yieldeth it not up to anyone else. Unas cometh forth into heaven by thee, .

"Many months ago, aye, but she departed three days ago for Goshen," the old woman answered falteringly. "And she came not back?" "Nay." "Swear, by Osiris!" "By Osiris " "And the Lady Masanath?" "Gone, also, to Tanis with Unas, this morning." "Thou liest! In the dark?" "Nay, I swear by Osiris," she protested wildly. "The light came in with the hour of dawn." Kenkenes released her and hurried away.

The passage reads: "The skies lower, the Star-gods tremble, the Archers quake, the bones of the Akeru gods tremble, and those who are with them are struck dumb when they see Unas rising up as a soul, in the form of the god who liveth upon his fathers, and who turneth his mothers into his food. Unas is the lord of wisdom, and his mother knoweth not his name.

"It may be," the fan-bearer replied musingly, "but thy nephew, holy Father, is conspicuously tall and well-muscled. Likewise, he is a sculptor. Furthermore, the two slaves came home badly abused. Unas has some proof for his tale " "Kenkenes is the soul of fidelity," the high priest retorted warmly. "He has had unnumbered opportunities to betray the gods and he has ever been steadfast."

Unas is the Great Power, the Power of Powers, and Unas is the Chief of the gods in visible forms. Whatsoever he findeth upon his path he eateth forthwith, and the magical might of Unas is before that of all the spirit-bodies who dwell in the horizon. Unas is the firstborn of the firstborn gods. Unas repeateth his rising in heaven, and he is crowned lord of the horizon.

These were the builders of the two other most celebrated pyramids, the second and the third. With the long reign of Unas closes the first era in Egyptian history. His unfinished pyramid, built of huge blocks of limestone, indicates that he died too soon to complete it. From this date, back to the epoch of Senoferu, are included nearly three centuries.