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Updated: August 3, 2024

Here Boris bent forward and began to speak with his slightly singing Slavic accent and his trilled r: "You are quite right, Professor, but it need not always be love, it can also be hate. To us Poles hate is sacred too." The count lifted his eyebrows and bent over his plate. "I have noticed," he said with an acrimony that surprised them all, "that hate as an occupation blunts the intellect."

She trilled like a thrush, or a linnet, or any bird that goes in largely for trilling. "Have you really got me a present?" "It's here now. The dickens of a fruity picture. One of J. B. Wheeler's things. You'll like it." "Oh, I know I shall. I love his work. You are an angel. We'll hang it over the piano." "I'll be round with it in something under three ticks, star of my soul. I'll take a taxi."

The evening was close; walking rapidly, and with the accompaniment of vexatious thoughts, she reached the gates of the Hall tired perspiring, irritated. Just as her hand was on the gate a bicycle-bell trilled vigorously behind her, and, from a distance of twenty yards, a voice cried imperatively 'Open the gate, please!

"And let's be sure and find something he really wants to present to him as a testimony of our esteem." "Oh, Phoebe," trilled Polly, her emotions getting the better of her as she stood with score-card in hand waiting for the game to begin, "I can't keep from loving him myself and you treat him so mean!"

Rose-bushes in full bloom adorned the smooth lawns. The birds trilled a welcome in jumping from branch to branch, and across the facade of the chateau the open windows announced to the surrounding peasantry the return of the prodigal master. At the top of the flight of steps Valentine stepped back to allow Henri to pass before her; then, changing her mind, she advanced again.

Unconventionality almost eccentricity was de rigueur for one who had been first heard of as a poetess; from whose red lips magic romance had since trilled for weeks to crowds of listeners, as from a perennial spring. So Ethelberta went, after a considerable pondering how to get there without the needless sacrifice either of dignity or cash.

The air lost its balmy softness, and was harsh and chilly, till no sign of foliage was seen, nought but the leafless branches stretching their bare arms towards the sky. The meadows were brown and cheerless. The silvery brooks trilled out no merry song. Life grew hushed and still without, while more joyous became the tones of happy hearts within pleasant homes.

"Do you remember the way she sang this?" asked Gerty; and springing to her feet she fell into an exaggerated mimicry of the prima donna's pose, while she trilled out a languishing passage from "Faust." "I always laughed when she got to that scene," she added, coming back to the couch, "because when she grew sentimental she reminded me of a love-sick sheep."

A missel-thrush on the bare pear tree sang triumphantly through the rain, and a song-thrush, with more melodious notes, trilled forth an occasional call; the robin, which had haunted the garden all the winter, was scraping energetically for grubs among the ivy on the wall, and scarcely troubled to fly away at her approach.

A mocking-bird on the trellis without the door trilled its song high and sweet, as though the coming sunshine could reveal nothing of that which had been there.

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