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But the children gave him no time; Edward took his bathing-drawers and his towel, Athelstan tore the bed-clothes away; and in three minutes they all clattered down into the road. Sally gave him a smile. It was as sweet and innocent as it had ever been. "You do take a time to dress yourself," she said. "I thought you was never coming." There was not a particle of difference in her manner.

He was in his shirt, his head uncovered, with two valets at his side, one holding the glass and a towel, the other the rest of the apparatus. The Emperor spread the soap over one side of his face, put down the brush, wiped his hands and mouth, took a razor dipped in hot water and shaved the right side with singular dexterity. "Is it done, Noverraz?" "Yes, Sire." "Well, then, face about.

I pushed past the orderly, ran to him, and his pleading eyes seemed to devour me as he fastened his gaze on my face. I cannot think to this day why be should have been nude for the amputation of a foot; but he was, and some one threw a towel across his loins as I approached. Dr. Baxter said: "No sympathy! no sympathy!"

I dare say they were quite equal to a hair shirt to do penance in; and wiping on a new home-made linen towel suggested wiping on a brier bush. Dear me! how long it has been since I have seen any tow, or heard a loom or a spinning-wheel, or seen a boy breaking in his new flax-made shirt! No one sees these things any more.

'Good heavens, he is murdered! and just then I came in the back door and they sent after the doctor, and they put Pa on the lounge, and tied up his head with a towel to keep the brains in, and Pa began to snore, and when the doctor came in it took them half an hour to wake him, and then he was awful sick to his stummick, and then Ma asked the doctor if he would live, and the doc. analyzed the ketchup and smelled of it and told Ma he would be all right if he had a little Worcester sauce to put on with the ketchup, and when he said Pa would pull through, Ma looked awful sad.

I wish you could have been here to drive out to the infare at her pa's house two nights after the weddin'. It was the biggest ever held on that side of the river, and as for the shiveree, my Lord, it WAS something to talk about. Tin cans, cowbells, shot-guns, tenor-drums, but I'm keeping you, Mr. Gwynne. You'll find water in that jug over there, and a towel by the lookin' glass.

"I will go first to the hospital and afterwards, if all is well, I will return for you." He took a clean white towel from the dressing-table and laid it over his victim's face. Upon the towel he sprinkled the contents of a third bottle which he took from the cupboard, and Milburgh remembered no more until he looked up into the puzzled face of Tarling an hour later.

He shoved up my head, and put a napkin under it. He plowed his fingers into my collar and fixed a towel there. He explored my hair with his claws and suggested that it needed trimming. I said I did not want it trimmed. He explored again and said it was pretty long for the present style better have a little taken off; it needed it behind especially. I said I had had it cut only a week before.

He began to rub his wet body with a towel. "Call! What did they call?" "Nothing; no words. Some one cried out." "At this hour! Who should be there, signore?" The action of the rough towel upon his body brought a glow of warmth to Delarey, and the sense of mystery began to depart from his mind. "Perhaps it was a fisherman," he said. "They do not fish from there, signore.

If throat and mouth are cool, and only the stomach burns, then the cold towel above that is the best treatment. There is no need, except in very special cases, for iced water. Tap water is generally cool enough, unless stored in heated cisterns. In this case a little ice may be used to bring it down to a temperature of 45 deg. or so, but not below 40 deg. Throat Hoarseness.