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Updated: August 28, 2024

Stick around close and shoot me back word by Abie. The rest of these fellows have got 20 to 1 on him; he's 15 to 1 in this book until I hear from you. Hurry, now!" There were ten horses entered in the final race of the meeting, and nine of them were strongly touted as "good things."

And Jack, of course, recalled at once the famous battle in Hampton Roads during the Civil War when the little cheesebox of John Ericsson had whipped the much touted Merrimac after the Confederate terror had completely dominated the Federal fleet and for a time wrested the prestige of the sea from the Union.

Some of them were watching the screen, but most of them seemed to be watching Stanton, although they looked away as soon as they saw his eyes on them. Trying to see what kind of a bloke this touted superman is, Stanton thought. Well, I can't say I blame 'em. He brought his attention back to the screen. So this was the Nipe's hideaway.

And now to hurry back to Murray. We found him standing watch in hand, and he began to smile when he saw my companion. "Well! well!" he exclaimed in a bantering tone; "so you 've fallen a prey to Checkers, have you? What loser has he touted you onto, that's 'going to win in a walk, hands down'?" "Now, there's a guy that makes me sick," interrupted Checkers, ignoring the question.

Devine found all respectable employments closed to him, and he was often in desperate straits; but he would always contrive to send something, if it were only a half-crown, toward the support of his children. When he reached the Nadir of shabbiness, he touted in Piccadilly among the cabs, and picked up a few coppers in that way.

"It might if it was touted right," said Tinker. "It all depends on the touting. If you get it touted to the tank towns that you've got a play with the great religious gonzabo, then your show's a big property. Same if you get it touted for a great educational gonzabo. Or 'artistic. Get it touted right for 'artistic, and the tanks'll think they like it, even if they don't.

But the Blues were admitted to have the finest backfield in the country, and Wilson was "touted" as the greatest player seen at full for the last twenty years. All in all, it was a "toss up," and many predicted that neither side would score. But no such neutral tint shadowed the rosy dreams of the Blues. They were full of fight, and brimming over with confidence.

I could have tipped one of the other hustlers to tout him and sink the money for a split, but well, I didn't do it, that's all. He was white to me and I tried to be white too, see? I even told him not to bet on the horse until I gave him the office, and so far we've been running for nothing but the purse. You haven't touted him either "

In a large way he was a humourist few guessing it, and he fully appreciated the humour of the present situation that he, John Aldous, touted the world over as a woman-hater, wanted to peer out through the poplar foliage and see that wonderful gold-brown head shining in the sun once more!

"Well, talking straight and side-stepping subterfuge, this is a lonely place for a woman like you, and our mutual friend ain't altogether unattractive." Cherry's cheeks flamed, but her tone was icy. "This is entirely a business matter." "Hm m ! I ain't never heard you touted none as a business woman," said the adventurer.

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