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Whether to be 'touted' was to be held up, buncoed, or drugged and robbed, I had no definite notion; but I took it to be a confidence game of some sort and despised it accordingly. Just here, following Murray, I elbowed my way into the hottest, best-natured, most conglomerate crowd it was ever my lot to mingle with.

We will also oppose legislation touted as providing protection that in reality pits one American worker against another, one industry against another, one community against another, and that raises prices for us all. If the United States can trade with other nations on a level playing field, we can outproduce, outcompete, and outsell anybody, anywhere in the world.

"I had a stomach-laugh slipped to me just now." He began to shake. "So you broke up my tete-a-tete to tell me a funny story?" "Listen here. These cowboys have got you touted for a foot- runner." This time Glass laughed aloud, hoarsely. "They have framed a race with a ginny down the block." "All right, I'll run." Mr. Glass's face abruptly fell into solemn lines.

"On every hand I hear of people you've painted or are about to paint. A real success un success fou and in spite of yourself! It's quite wonderful." "I've painted very badly," he muttered. "Oh, you're too close to your work to have a perspective. Mrs. Hammond has touted you the length and breadth of the town you know and that means there's a pedestal for you in her Hall of Fame.

"You thought Elisha could win and you went and touted me on to the other one?" Old Man Curry nodded, smiling. As the boy watched him, his expression changed to one of deep disgust. He dipped into his vest pocket and produced his silver stop watch. "Here's something you overlooked," he sneered. "Take it, and I'll be cleaned right!" Old Man Curry sat down beside him, but the Kid edged away.

He began presently almost to hate Salvatore, who evidently thought that Maurice was ready to wrong him, and who, nevertheless, grasped greedily at every soldo that came from the stranger's pocket, and touted perpetually for more. His attitude was hideous. Maurice pretended not to notice it, and was careful to keep on the most friendly possible terms with him.

We will also oppose legislation touted as providing protection that in reality pits one American worker against another, one industry against another, one community against another, and that raises prices for us all. If the United States can trade with other nations on a level playing field, we can outproduce, outcompete, and outsell anybody, anywhere in the world.

One thing, however, must be said for Checkers. He never "touted" a horse unless he thought it had a best chance of winning. That is, if there were five horses in a race, and Checkers had five men "on his string," he never descended to the common practice of getting each one of the five to bet on a different horse, and thus "land a sure winner."

As for me, I was never troubled much that way. I suppose you find it the same, too." "No. My only consolation lies in thinking it's barely possible the other fellow may be as badly frightened as I am." Donnelly scoffed openly. "I never saw a man stand up better than you. Why I've touted you as the gamest chap I ever saw.

The citizens of rich countries must understand that it is only fair for people in developing countries to pay less for medicines and other critical technology products. stated Ms. Sukaki Fukuda-Parr" the lead author of the Report. Public declarations issued in Havana, Cuba, in San Jose, Costa Rica in the late 1990's touted the benefits of free online scholarship for developing countries.