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"It isn't under the Muenchener barrel, it must be under the Dortmunder," continued Tooter to himself, as I heard him laboriously heave over the barrel and paw around on the cement floor under it, in the space between the head of the barrel and the raised ends of the staves, "Ah! here it is, the cute little diamond that that nutty George has been after, which I have been keeping since last Monday to oblige a fellow-sport, Billie Budd, but which I have decided must be taken out of the vulgar crude cuff-button and reset in an engagement ring for Teresa, since she is so dippy after historical relics!"

She blushed and gave her attention to the poem. It was entitled: "Woman," and ran; "Woman she dont need no tooter, be she skule mam or biscut shooter. she has most curyus ways about her, which leads a man to kinda dout her. Though lookin at her is shure a pleasur there aint no way to get her measure i reckon she had man on the run a long while before the world begun.

"These guys are just about as brainy as the average American cop I bumped into on the other side of the Big Pond." On the fourth floor we entered a large room with a billiard table and a pool table in it, where four men were busily engaged in killing time, two at each table. "Put up your cues a minute, Uncle Tooter and the rest of you, while I introduce you to Mr.

Uncle Tooter arose from the rocker and stood by the window, where he seemed to be trying to slide something from his left hand into his left trousers-pocket, his right side being turned to us. Holmes noticed the act, as did I, but said nothing of it for the moment.

Launcelot, you rummie, I'll forgive you, although I shouldn't; and I warn you and Uncle Tooter both not to interfere when Holmes arrests Budd to-morrow." "All right, George. Thanks!" murmured Launcelot with downcast eyes, and Tooter also nodded assent.

Hemlock Holmes, the celebrated butter-in on other people's business, whom I have hired at an exorbitant price to run down the depraved scoundrels who cabbaged my diamond cuff-buttons. If he can't catch 'em, nobody can, I guess. Mr. Holmes, meet the Countess's uncle, Mr. J. Edmund Tooter, of Hyderabad, India; my friend, Mr. William Q. Hicks, of Saskatoon, Canada; and Mr.

As we entered so unceremoniously the two of them ceased their billing and cooing, hastily relaxed the half-Nelson grip they had on each other, and faced us with considerable resentment showing in their faces, though Teresa didn't get off Tooter's lap, as I thought she would. "Well, what do you mean by this impudent intrusion, Holmes?" demanded Tooter angrily.

While Hollis was removing the saddle from his pony Norton rose from his chair and smiled at Potter. "Well," he said to the latter, "I'm goin' to bed." He moved a few steps toward the door and then turned and looked back at Potter, who had also risen. He laughed. "Listen, Potter," he said. Then he quoted: "Woman she don't need no tooter Be she skule ma'am or biscuit shooter."

"Mebbe I was stretchin' things a little when I told you that," interrupted Norton, grinning shamelessly. "If a man told the truth all the time he'd have a hard time keepin' ahead of a woman." "'Woman she don't need no tooter," quoted Hollis. "It has taken you a long time to discover what Ace has apparently known for years. And Ace is only a bachelor." Norton's eyes lighted.

"I've got so as to read pretty well, so my tooter says. I've been studyin' geography and grammar also. I've made such astonishin' progress that I can tell a noun from a conjunction as far away as I can see 'em. Tell Mr. Munroe that if he wants an accomplished teacher in his school, he can send for me, and I'll come on by the very next train.