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'Speak English! said the Eaglet. 'I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and, what's more, I don't believe you do either! And the Eaglet bent down its head to hide a smile: some of the other birds tittered audibly. 'What I was going to say, said the Dodo in an offended tone, 'was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race.

So I told him a whopper. I said we were engaged." The speaker tittered. She was delighted with herself. "Engaged? To be MARRIED?" "Certainly! People aren't engaged to to go fishing, are they? I had to tell him something; he was getting positively feverish. If he'd kept it up I'd have told him we were secretly married." "This may be funny," the young man said, stiffly, "but I don't see it."

'He! he! he! tittered the man in black. 'Well, said I, 'I am afraid your own practice is not very different from that which you have been just now describing; you sided with the Radical in the public-house against me, as long as you thought him the most powerful, and then turned against him when you saw he was cowed. What have you to say to that?

Rooth, after the first flutter of a less cynical spirit, consented to be sacrificed to an effect of the really high order she had now been educated to recognise; so that she scarce hesitated, when Miriam had ceased speaking, before she tittered out with the fondest indulgence: 'Comédienne! And she seemed to appeal to their companion. "Ain't she fascinating? That's the way she does for you!"

"There must be rumors; for she asked him for her wages a day or two ago. He paid her, and said she had better go." I examined my hands involuntarily. She tittered. "How easily you will wash the long-necked glasses and pitchers, with your slim hand!"

Cub 'u'd drown us out with his voice if we hollered. You know you made 'im admit once that noise was the only thing that 'u'd convince him." "You c'n change that now and call it static instead of noise since we've all become radio experts," smirked Cub with characteristic superiority. "Ha, ha," laughed Bud. "Tee-hee," tittered Hal.

Some of my shopmates tittered obsequiously, which encouraged Manheimer to further sarcasm. "Why, he doesn't even know how to handle a bottle of milk. Did you ever see such a lobster?" At this there was an explosion of merriment. "A lobster!" one of the tailors repeated, relishingly I could have murdered him as well as Manheimer. My head was swimming.

We were already feeling badly enough, but when the astrologer's lawyer said he believed he would not ask us any questions for our story was a little delicate and it would be cruel for him to put any strain upon it everybody tittered, and it was almost more than we could bear.

Do, pray, Uncle Lake; I should like it so, and the baronet, who was, I am afraid, what some people would term, perhaps, vulgar, winked over his glass at the blooming confectioner, who turned away and tittered over her shoulder at the handsome baronet's charming banter.

People stared, looked at one another, frowned for an instant, smiled; at length, tittered, openly. In all that great building, but one little group sat silent. Ivan and the three gathered close at his side, were like men dead. Long before it was over, Nicholas had flung his baton to the floor and left the stage; but still the orchestra went on and on.