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And she knows, just as I do, that Bayport's the best place in the world; don't you, Mrs. Knowles?" "Yes," said Frances, "I am sure of it, Mr. Tidditt." So Asaph went away triumphantly happy. After he had gone I apologized for him. "He's a fair sample," I said. "He is a quahaug, although he doesn't know it. He is a certain type, an exaggerated type, of American." Frances smiled.

Said it made him feel kind of reverent and holy, almost as if he was in Paradise. So Ase Tidditt says, anyway; it's his yarn." "'Tain't nuther, Cy Whittaker!" declared the indignant Asaph. "If you expect I'm goin' to father all your lies, you're mistaken."

Knowles; I forgot you wasn't born in Bayport." Frances smiled. "No apology is needed, Mr. Tidditt," she said. "I confess to having been born a savage." "But you're all right now," said Asaph, hastily, trying to cover his slip. "You're all right now. You're just as American as the rest of us. Kent, suppose this war in Europe is goin' to hurt your trade any? It's goin' to hurt a good many folks's.

"And don't you give 'em any fish," ordered Hephzy. "I ate a chicken once that had been fed on fish, and my soul!" There was quite an assemblage at the station to see us off. Captain Whittaker and his wife were not there, of course; they were near California by this time. But Mr. Partridge, the minister, was there and so was his wife; and Asaph Tidditt and Mr. and Mrs.

He evaded all personal questions put to him by the boarders, explaining that he was renovating the old place just for fun he always had had a gang of men working for him, and it seemed natural somehow. But to the friends of his boyhood, Asaph Tidditt and Bailey Bangs, he told the real truth.

I say, Georgianna, you put on an extry plate this mornin'. Got company for breakfast." The housekeeper was surprised. "For breakfast?" she repeated. "Land of goodness! who's comin' for breakfast? I never heard of company droppin' in for breakfast. That's one meal folks generally get to home. Who is it? Mr. Tidditt? Has Ketury turned him out door because he's too bad an example for her husband?"

Gabe says more'n likely the evenin' train won't be able to get through at all, if this keeps up." "Was there anything from " Mr. Tidditt glanced at Bos'n and shook his head. "Not a word," he said. "Funny, ain't it? It don't seem a bit like him. And he can't be to Washin'ton, because all them letters came back. I I swan to man, I'm beginnin' to get worried." "Worried? I'm pretty nigh crazy!

It's your own fault if anybody knows that you didn't leave of your own accord. I shan't tell, and I'll see that Tidditt doesn't. Now trot! Ase and I'll get supper ourselves." It was evident that the ex-housekeeper had much more which she would have liked to say. But there was that in her late employer's manner which caused her to forbear.

"Georgianna wanted me to stay at home and wait for you, Uncle Cy," she said, "but I teased and teased and finally they said I could come over. I came yesterday on the train. Mr. Tidditt went with me to the depot. Mrs. Peabody let me peek into your room last night and I saw you eating supper. You didn't know I was there, did you?" "You bet I didn't!

"But what makes her sing so everlastin' LOUD?" "Can't hear herself if she don't. I could stand her deefness, because that's an affliction and we may all come to it; but " The housekeeper, still singing, entered the room and planted herself in a chair. "Good evenin', Mr. Tidditt," she said, smiling genially. "Nice weather we've been havin'." Asaph nodded.