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"And wid everybody's good word, high and low, and drawin' grand pay, and the colonel in his rigimint ready to do a turn for him any time, and a rael steady kind-hearted lad to the back of that. But sure he's after as nice a little girl as he'd ha' found anywheres, wid all his thravellin', and as good as gould.

Sarah M'Gowan, the Black Prophet's daughter, has catched the sickness, and is lyin' in a shed there beyant, that a poor thravellin' family was in about a week ago. Mrs.

"O, as for that matther," said Barny, "the same high-road sarves a coach and four and a lowback car, the thravellin' tinker an' a lord a' horseback." "That's very true," said the captain, "but the cases are not the same, Paddy, and I can't conceive what the devil brings you here." "And who ax'd you to consayve anything about it?" asked Barny, somewhat sturdily.

"Thravellin' for plisure, av coorse," insinuated the chief. "Yes; I wanted to take a run through the Continent," said Russell, in a grandiose way, as though the "Continent" was something belonging to him; "and I'm also bringing home with me a ward of mine Miss Westlotorn." "Ah! an' so the young lady is a ward av yours? I thought she was your daughter." "No, she's my ward." "Is she rich?"

To evade the difficulty, old O'Beirne bade Dan fetch a mug for a drop of poteen, and meanwhile said to the stranger: "Sit you down, sir, and take a taste of the fire. Where might you be thravellin' from this day?" "I was livin' over at Innislone," said the old man, sitting down on a creepy stool. "Musha, then, you didn't ever come that far all on ind sure it's miles untould."

"Everything has closed up on me," said Peg. "I'm goin' back." "Why, you've improved out of all knowledge." "Don't think that. Me clothes have changed that's all. When I put me thravellin' suit back on agen, ye won't notice any IMPROVEMENT." "But think what you're giving up." "I'll have me father. I'm only sorry I gave HIM up for a month." "The upbringing of a young lady!" "I don't want it.

'Talkin' of money, says the waiver; 'by the same token, I'll want a thrifle o' change from you for my thravellin' charges. 'As much as you plaze, says the king; and with the word, he brought him into his closet, where there was an owld stockin' in an oak chest, burstin' wid goolden guineas.

"Bedad, then," said Con, "it seems a long way to be thravellin' to a counthry as close as that. Sure, if you take out for a stravade over the bog here, you'll be throubled wid nothin' the len'th of the day on'y the curlew, or maybe a couple of saygulls skirlin' raisonable enough. I'll be apt to stay where I am."

"Oh, and it's yersilf that don't shoy off from a dthrop o' the craythur whin yer thravellin' the thrail." Everybody looked at Benham. He got up and began to put on his furs; his dog-driver, squatting by the door, took the hint, and went out to see after the team.

They saw the palanquin lying loneful an' forlornsome, an' the beauty av ut, after Dearsley's men had dhropped ut and gone away, an' they gave ut the best name that occurred to thim. Quite right too. For aught we know the ould lady was thravellin' incog like me. I'm glad to hear she's fat.