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In the way of precious small pieces he had handled nothing so precious as the Principino, his daughter's first-born, whose Italian designation endlessly amused him and whom he could manipulate and dandle, already almost toss and catch again, as he couldn't a correspondingly rare morsel of an earlier pate tendre.

If we could but know the history of such and such a service of Sevres porcelain, pate tendre, we should find that all the intellect, all the diplomatic subtlety displayed at Munster, Nimeguen, Utrecht, Ryswick, and Vienna was surpassed by the chineur.

"Go on, my child," said a man with silvery hair. This was Provost. "Yes, it won't be as long as a scene from a play," exclaimed Augustine Brohan, the one woman present. I began again: Deux pigeons s'aimaient d'amour tendre, L'un d'eux s'ennuyant au logis Fut assez.... "Louder, my child, louder," said a little man with curly white hair, in a kindly tone. This was Samson.

Listen then and be ashamed." And lying there, the back of one hand above her eyes, she sang in a sweet, childish, mocking voice, tremulous with hidden laughter, the song of Phyllis the shepherdess and Sylvandre the shepherd how Phyllis, more avaricious than sentimental, made Sylvandre pay her thirty sheep for one kiss; how, next day, the price shifted to one sheep for thirty kisses; and then the dreadful demoralisation of Phyllis: "Le lendemain, Philis, plus tendre Fut trop heureuse de lui rendre Trente moutons pour un baiser!

Gluck had no scruples about grinding several grists from the same sack and drawing from his old works to help out his new ones. So the parasitical aria attributed to Bertoni was written by Gluck in the first place in 1764 for a soprano. He wove this into his opera Aristo in 1769. This is also true of the trio, Tendre Amour, which precedes the finale in the last act.

'There, messieurs, he said, 'my mother is living, une tendre mere' But the peasants, doubtless through their ignorance of the geographical position of Orleans, continued to offer him a journey under water along the course of the meandering river Gniloterka, and had already begun to encourage him with slight blows on the vertebrae of the neck and back, when suddenly, to the indescribable delight of Lejeune, the sound of bells was heard, and there came along the dyke a huge sledge with a striped rug over its excessively high dickey, harnessed with three roan horses.

At that moment, in a lull of the storm, Thelma's voice pealed upwards from the saloon. She was singing a French song, and the refrain rang out clearly "Ah! le doux son d'un baiser tendre!"

"Now that is so delightful," said Lady Callonby, as she stopped to look for another puzzle. "What a wretch it is," said Lady Catherine, covering her face with a handkerchief. "What a beautiful little flower," said Lady Jane, lifting up the bell of a "lobelia splendens." "You know, of course," said I, "what they call that flower in France L'amour tendre." "Indeed!"

Tout doit tendre au Bon Sens: mais pour y parvenir Le chemin est glissant et penible a tenir. 'Art. Poetique', chant 1. And again, Aux depens du Bon Sens gardez de plaisanter. 'Art. He wrote, as a youth, odes, songs, a tragedy, and part of a romance.

Wickham for his delay, though I dare not give scope to my pen; my heart dictates too freely. O, my Aaron! how many tender, grateful things rush to my mind in this moment; how much fortitude do I summon to suppress them! You will do justice to their silence; to the inexpressible affection of your plus tendre amie.