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Or if you don't want to hypothecate the stock with this bank, you can arrange a loan on it with Stafford or Hallam." Tandy hesitated for a time before answering. At last he said: "I've only thirty-three shares left. Why shouldn't the bank buy it outright, putting the loan in as a principal part of the purchase money?" "At what price will you sell?" "At 103. It's worth that and more."

I vant to see him. "I walked into the office. The old man was looking at me over his specs as I went in. He grabbed me by the hand and said so loud you could hear him all over the house: 'Ah, Chim, dot vas tandy orter. How dit you do id mitoud cotting prices, Chim? You vas a motel for efery men we haf in der house. I did nod know we hat a salesman in der office.

"I really don't know what to do," he said in a troubled tone. "Of course the money is perfectly safe. Tandy is good for two or three times the amount. And I learn that it is a practice among bank officers sometimes to stretch their authority and borrow their own bank's funds in this way."

But the crowning consideration is this, that should you undertake the protection of your darling Maga, an arrangement with Mr Blackwood, and the publication of "Napper Tandy" in his incomparable pages, would seal the fate of the counterfeit, and forcibly recall to the mind of Reprint & Co. the sigh of Othello over his lost occupation. You stare but it follows, by demonstration

As he went along in the darkness under the trees he forgot the babbling voice of the stranger and his mind returned to the making of arguments by which he might destroy men's faith in God. He spoke his daughter's name and she began to weep. "I don't want to be called that," she declared. "I want to be called Tandy Tandy Hard."

"I'll put up a hundred thousand in Memphis and Ohio River stock " began Tandy. "You know I can't consider that," said Duncan; "no sane banker could. But if you choose, the bank will accept stock in your coal mine reckoned at fifty cents on the dollar as security." "That's out of the question.

The Tuileries Royalty in perspective Remarkable observation Presentations Assumption of the prerogative of mercy M. Defeu M. de Frotte Georges Cadondal's audience of Bonaparte Rapp's precaution and Bonaparte's confidence The dignity of France Napper Tandy and Blackwell delivered up by the Senate of Hamburg Contribution in the Egyptian style Valueless bill Fifteen thousand francs in the drawer of a secretaire Josephine's debts Evening walks with Bonaparte.

Here Tandy, in the uniform of his new National Guard, whose standard bore the harp without the crown, addressed his passionate harangues to the applauding multitude; here Tone, whose forte, however, was not oratory, constantly attended; here, also, the leading Catholics, Keogh and McCormack, the "Gog" and "Magog," of Tone's extraordinary Memoirs, were occasionally present.

In general he found its affairs in excellent shape, for Tandy was a skillful banker and, on the whole, a prudent one. There were many small loans to local shopkeepers which Duncan could not approve, and these he called in as they fell due, refusing to renew them. Beyond such matters he found nothing wrong till he came to examine the record of Tandy's own dealings with the bank.

"You'd trust the job to me, if I could walk, wouldn't you, giner'l?" "Certainly; no other man would be half so good." "Well then, giner'l, lem me tell you, that Sam Hardwicke is Tandy Walker, spun harder an' finer, made out'n better wool, doubled an' twisted, and mighty keerfully waxed into the bargain. He's a smart one, if there ever was one.