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I want to be Tandy Hard," she cried, shaking her head and sobbing as though her young strength were not enough to bear the vision the words of the drunkard had brought to her. The Reverend Curtis Hartman was pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Winesburg, and had been in that position ten years. He was forty years old, and by his nature very silent and reticent.

The Senate delivered up Napper Tandy; he was carried to Ireland, and condemned to death, but owed the suspension of his execution to the interference of France. He remained two years in prison, when M. Otto, who negotiated with Lord Hawkesbury the preliminaries of peace, obtained the release of Napper Tandy, who was sent back to France.

Cleanchested. He has washed the upper moiety. Morrow, nephew. He lays aside the lapboard whereon he drafts his bills of costs for the eyes of master Goff and master Shapland Tandy, filing consents and common searches and a writ of Duces Tecum. A bogoak frame over his bald head: Wilde's Requiescat. The drone of his misleading whistle brings Walter back. Yes, sir?

On Tone's return to Dublin, early in November, a branch society was formed on the Belfast basis. The Hon. Simon Butler, a leading barrister, was chosen Chairman, and Mr. Napper Tandy, an active middle-aged merchant, with strong republican principles, was Secretary.

The West is the place for men and money to do the best they can for themselves. This part of the country is growing like Jack's beanstalk. You must have noticed it." "I certainly have. Indeed, I suppose that never before in all history did any region grow so fast or so solidly." "There! You've hit the nail on the head," said Tandy. "Solidly! And that accounts for many things.

"We go back if oo dot tandy," spoke Paul, cunningly, seeing the drift of his small sister's scheme. "We 'ikes tandy." "I'll give them some if they promise to go back," spoke Grace, making a motion toward her little case that Frank carried. "No, they must not be bribed," said Mollie, firmly. "I shall insist on their going back. And oh! what faces they have!

I've been investing very heavily of late, and really I can't raise fifteen thousand at a moment's notice. You know I am good for ten times the sum. Why not let it rest for a week, say?" "Mr. Tandy," replied Duncan, enunciating every syllable as precisely as if he had been reciting a lesson in a foreign tongue, "let me remind you of something.

Duncan slipped the scrap of paper into his vest pocket, saying to the teller: "Make a memorandum that I have possession of this." Then he walked into the parlor. There he received Tandy with cold dignity and marked reserve more of coldness, more of dignity, and far more of reserve than he would have thought necessary if he had not found that scrap of paper.

That's his club to fight me with. So, little by little, I've bought in there through other people, you understand so that now Stafford and I own forty-eight of the bank's hundred shares of stock, though on the books our names do not appear at all. Tandy owns the other fifty-two shares, I suppose, or at least he controls them.

The Tuileries Royalty in perspective Remarkable observation Presentations Assumption of the prerogative of mercy M. Defeu M. de Frotte Georges Cadondal's audience of Bonaparte Rapp's precaution and Bonaparte's confidence The dignity of France Napper Tandy and Blackwell delivered up by the Senate of Hamburg Contribution in the Egyptian style Valueless bill Fifteen thousand francs in the drawer of a secretaire Josephine's debts Evening walks with Bonaparte.