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Susquesus no sooner learned our decision, than he took his departure, quietly paddling away towards the eastern shore; no one attempting to intercept a canoe that was seen to quit the batteau that was known to carry the commander of the advanced brigade.

Possibly, when they see us determined, they may lower their demands a little." A grave parting wave of the hand was given by Muss, who had conducted himself with great dignity in the interview, and the three Hurons walked away in a body. "Best go," said Susquesus, significantly. "Maybe want rifle. Hurons in 'arnest." On this hint, we returned to our friends, and resumed our arms.

Consciousness returned to me, by means of a gentle shake of the shoulder, which proceeded from Susquesus. On arising, I found the Indian still near me, his countenance, for the first time since I had known him, expressing something like an animated pleasure. He had awoke none of the others, and he signed for me to follow him, without arousing either of my companions.

I observed that Dirck thrust his fingers through his bushy hair, and that his usually placid countenance assumed an indignant and semi-ferocious appearance. A little amused at this, I walked towards the log on which Susquesus was seated, having ended his meal, in silent thought. "What news do you bring us from the red-coats, Trackless?"

Our consultation was necessarily in the midst of a moving throng; and the Onondago must have approached us, unnoticed, at the commencement of our conference. There he was, however, though whence he came or how he got there, I could not imagine, at the time, and have never been able to learn since. "Can you help us to get away, Susquesus?" was my answer.

"You must remember, now, Corny, that a very tender and sensitive heart is bound up in you, and you must no longer act like a thoughtless, single man. It would be far better to send this Onondago, if he will agree to go. He understands the red men, and will be able to interpret the omens with more certainty, than any of us, What say you, Susquesus; will you be a messenger to the Hurons?"

"I see what you mean, Susquesus; and, I allow, it may be a foot-print," I answered; "but then it may also have been left by anything else, which has touched the ground just at that spot. It may have been made by a falling branch of a tree." "Where branch?" asked the Indian, quick as lightning. "Sure enough; that is more than I can tell you.

Here we found the signs of a gathering of the party into a cluster, and we inferred that a counsel had been held on the subject of once more going to the hut, or of turning aside to pursue some other object. Susquesus made a close examination at this spot, and gave it as his opinion, again, that the hostiles must, at least, number the dozen he had already mentioned.

Well, Onondago, what do you say to following the compass, now!" "Best look at him he tell," answered Susquesus, our whole line halting to let Guert comply. "This d d compass will never come round!" exclaimed Guert, shaking the little instrument in order to help the needle round to the point at which he wished to see it stand. "These little devils are very apt to get out of order, Corny after all."

The tribe from which it is derived, in these later times, has over borne a better name for morals, than its neighbours, the Oneidas, the Mohawks, &c., &c. The Onondagoes belonged to the Six Nations. "Fear not, till Birnam Wood Shall come to Dunsinane." Macbeth. I cannot say I was quite satisfied with the manner of Susquesus; nor, on the other hand, was I absolutely uneasy.