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My feelings were wrought up to a high pitch; but my confidence in my companion being great, I followed in his footsteps, as diligently as my skill would allow. Susquesus rather trod on air than walked; yet I kept close at his heels, until we had gone, as I should think, fully half a mile in the direction from which that awful cry had come. Here Susquesus halted, saying to me, in a low voice

There squats Susquesus on a stone, idle and disdaining work, with his rifle leaning against the apple-tree; while Jaaf or Yop, as I believe it is better to call him is pecking about in the garden, still a slave at his work, in fancy at least." "And which is the happiest, sir the industrious old man or the idler?" "Probably each finds most happiness in indulging his own early habits.

"But we'll have some of his music, if it be only to remind us of him who is so far away." "The music we can and will have, my child," cried my grandmother, cheerfully; "though that is not wanted to remind us of our absent boy. Good morrow, Susquesus; I hope this fine day agrees with you."

In this manner our foes had evidently marched; but Susquesus, who had been busy examining the marks around the spring, the whole time we were occupied in burying the dead, gave it as his opinion that our enemies could not number less than a dozen warriors. This was not very pleasing intelligence, since it would render success in a conflict next to hopeless.

Jaap had brought his Huron prisoner with him; and the Onondago declared that the canoe could not carry six. This we knew from experience, indeed, though five went in it very comfortably. "No room," said Susquesus, "for red-man. Five good six bad." "What shall we do with the fellow, Corny?" asked Guert, with a little interest.

Let me see that expedition of Abercrombie's was about eighty years since; why, these fellows must be well turned of their hundred, though Jaap is rather the oldest, judging from appearances." "I believe no one knows the age of either. A hundred each has been thought, now, for many years. Susquesus was surprisingly active, too, when I last saw him like a healthy man of eighty."

Why not go at once to the wigwam of Susquesus, and get out of him and Yop the history of the state of things. I heard them speaking of the Onondago at our tavern last night, and while they said he was generally thought to be much more than a hundred, that he was still like a man of eighty. That Indian is full of observation, and may let us into some of the secrets of his brethren."

I fancied him, in figure, the very beau-ideal of a runner. During the time the surveyor was speaking, the eye of Susquesus was seemingly fastened on vacancy, and I would have defied the nicest observer to detect any consciousness of what was in hand, in the countenance of this forest stoic.

Susquesus looked at the sufferer a moment, gravely and not without concern; then he turned to Herman Mordaunt, and said "This bad save scalp, that good, though. Carry him in house. Susquesus follow trail and see what Injin mean." As this was well, he was told to watch the enemy, while we bore our friend towards the Nest.

Even the red man had been fairly bought off by Herman Mordaunt, the patentee, and so Susquesus, the Redskin of Ravensnest, as our old Onondago was often called, had ever admitted the fact to be. It was natural that I should love an estate thus inherited and thus situated.