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Updated: July 31, 2024

The companies he had doing the actual work appeared to have a terrible time getting everything exactly the way Mr. Maulbow wanted it There's nothing that looks like a set of keys in those first two suitcases, Gefty." "Well," Gefty said, "if you don't find them in the others, you might start thumping around to see if he's got secret compartments in his luggage somewhere."

You'll find Section D in the starboard wing." Astro and Tom immediately began to pile Manning's luggage to one side of the slidestairs. "Take your luggage with you, Misters!" snapped Herbert. "It isn't ours," replied Tom. "Isn't yours?" Herbert glanced over the pile of suitcases and turned back to Tom. "Whose is it then?" "Belongs to Cadet Candidate Roger Manning," replied Tom.

Here and there were to be seen men who clutched tightly the handles of suitcases and kit bags! Evidently they were expecting to step ashore at once. In any case, they belonged to the class of people who never fail to crowd their way down the gang-plank ahead of every one else. The fashionable ocean liners always have quite a number of these on board, invariably in the first cabin.

Nothing loath to remove their clothes, which still smelled of engine smoke, despite their ride over the plains, as the brothers seized their suitcases and followed their young hosts, Larry exclaimed laughingly: "You see we took your advice not to bring a trunk." "Glad of it," asserted Horace joyously. "There's no need to dress out here. It's just great!

If we could only steal a boat!" he exclaimed eagerly "one of those on the davits," he urged "we could put our suitcases in it and then, after every one is asleep, we could lower it into the water." The smallest boat on board was certified to hold twenty-five persons, and without waking the entire ship's company we could as easily have moved the chart-room. This I pointed out.

Well, that shack wasn't quite what I expected! But I mustn't run ahead of my story, Matilda Anne, so I'll go back to where Dinky-Dunk and I got off the side-line "accommodation" at Buckhorn, with our traps and trunks and hand-bags and suitcases. And these had scarcely been piled on the wooden platform before the station-agent came running up to Duncan with a yellow sheet in his hand.

The north wind held; directly the sun went down it was cold again, and, only half fed with the provisions Philip brought over from Lapsaki, they spent a dismal night, huddled on the bare floor, under their suitcases or whatever they could get to cover them, and expecting another bombardment at dawn.

For the center of the chamber was littered to overflowing with trunks, suitcases and valises, in various stages of being packed, and from them overflowed a variety of garments and other accessories of a journey. "Oh, dear!" sighed Cora Kimball, as she gazed helplessly about, "will we ever be finished, Bess?" "I don't know," was the equally discouraging reply. "It doesn't seem so; does it?"

Duvall began to realize that the case against his prisoner was far from complete. Returning from a fruitless search of the bedroom, Duvall's eye fell upon the two suitcases that the women had carried in their flight. He bent over to them at once, and proceeded to open them, one after the other. "Search them, please." He nodded to Grace.

Can't be such an out-of-date town after all." The automobile was driven by a man in blue-striped overalls, and, to the surprise of Bob and Betty, Blosser and Fluss hailed him from the road. There was a minute's parley, the suitcases were tossed in, and the two men followed. The automobile turned sharply and went back along the route it had just come over.

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