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Din glamour stink incessant movement interblended poverty and riches rubbing shoulders noisy self-interest side by side with introspective revery, where stray priests nodded in among the traders, many-peopled India surged in miniature between the four hot walls and through the passage to the overflowing street; changeable and unexplainable, in ever-moving flux, but more conservative in spite of it than the very rocks she rests on India who is sister to Aholibah and mother of all fascination.

In the last week, a dozen pupils had been seriously cut or blackjacked in hall and locker-room fights. "Nice citizens of the future; nice future to look forward to growing old in." "We won't," Yetsko comforted him. "We can't be lucky all the time; in about a year, they'll find both of us stuffed into a broom closet, when they start looking around to see what's making all the stink."

What thousands of blue flies already swarmed upon the fresh carcass of this new political party! A few years before and it was poor, but of flesh that was fresh. Now it was beginning to stink. Tariffs, railroads, all powerful moneyed interests, special privileges, were settling upon it, blowing it full of eggs.

Yard arm and yard arm stink pots and pipkins broadside to broadside and throw in your bodies, if you like, on the lee quarter; but don't do anything shabby. What do you think of it, Jack?" "Why, I means to say as how if Varney only keeps on sail as he's been doing, that the devil himself wouldn't catch him in a gale." "And yet," said Henry, "it is our duty to do the best we can.

Methinks, too, from the stink, they must have been Roman swineherd who habited this sty with their herds, an' I venture that thou, old sow, hast never touched broom to the place for fear of disturbing the ancient relics of thy kin." "Cease thy babbling, Lord Satan," cried the woman.

Say, I ain't got rid o' the stink of it yet, though it happened four years ago." The man's contempt and loathing were intense. He had offered the reward, paid it, he had led the Vigilantes in the hanging. But these things were simply part of the justice of man as he saw it, and rightly administered. The silent moments slipped by. Jeffrey Masters was sitting erect in his chair.

"If you shrug your shoulders again, damn you, I'll sjambok you here as Kruger did at Vleifontein," said Barry Whalen in a low, angry voice. "You've been too long without the sjambok." "This is not the Vaal, it is Englan'," answered Krool, huskily. "The Law here!" "Zo you stink ze law of England would help you eh?" asked Sobieski, with a cruel leer, relapsing into his natural vernacular.

Then she walked to the edge of the grave, as did the rest of the mourners, and little by little, the soil assumed its ordinary level and everybody went home. As we walked down the cemetery steps, a young fellow passed us and said in French to a companion: "Heavens! didn't the fellow stink! He is almost completely mortified! It isn't surprising, though, after being in the water three weeks!"

The rum's all right; it's powerful natural stuff, but we ought to have meat that doesn't stink, and bread that isn't alive. What's more, we ought to have lots of lime- juice, or there's no protection for us when we're out at sea with the best meat taken by the officers and the worst left to us; and with foul water and rotten food, there's no hope or help.

"I remember when Bauldy went off to Paris on the spree. He kept his mouth shut when he came back, for he was rather ashamed o' the outburst. But the bodies were keen to hear. 'What's the incense like in Notre Dame? said Johnny Coe, with his een big. 'Burning stink! said Bauldy." "I can cap that with a better one still," said Tarmillan, who wasn't to be done by any man.