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So Spotty the Turtle found a good place to spend the night, and then he sat down to watch and wait. Right before him was the thing which he had found and which puzzled him so. What was it? Why, it was a wall. Yes, Sir, that is just what it was a wall of logs and sticks and mud, and it was right across the Laughing Brook, where the banks were steep and narrow.

I haven't done a tap of work on the case, and I'm not going to. My advise to you is to get out of town before I may get into this thing against my will. Skip, Spotty! It's the only way I can pay my debt to you!" The colonel made as though to hold out his hand to the freckle-faced man opposite him, and then changed the motion of his arm and picked up his glass. "Skip, Spotty!" he murmured again.

A waiter, hovering near by, caught the glint of his eye and brought the liquor. Then Spotty, after a libation, spoke. "Colonel," he said slowly, "most of what you has been spielin' is like the lawyer guys git off in court. I don't quite tumble, but I take it you mean you're goin' t' let me go." "That's it, Spotty! I'm going to let you go this time!" "No double crossin'?"

In summer it's different, an' then the woods are like home." "Well," said her grandmother, seeing that the girl was bent upon her purpose, "if ye're skeered for old 'Spotty, ye'd better be a little mite skeered for yerself, Child! Take along the gun. Mebbe ye might see a chipmunk a-bitin' the old cow jest awful!"

Lined up for inspection before breakfast, every trooper had received an exactly similar parcel; every one had given expression to his thankful heart; then every one had gone away to inspect the offering. "This is kind of the ladies, very kind," Carew was observing, with a perfectly grave face, as he drew out a handkerchief of spotty red cotton and a khaki-colored nightcap. "Look, Weldon!

But I'm fightin' too . . . er . . . I'm fightin' too." Captain Zelotes pulled his beard. "How's the fight goin', Labe?" he asked, quietly. "Well well, it's kind of kind of spotty, as you might say. There's spots when I get along fairly smooth and others when well, when it's pretty rough goin'. I've had four hard spots since Al went away, but there's two that was the hardest.

But she could see nothing of old "Spotty," who, by reason of her vivid colouring of red and white splotches, would have been conspicuous against those dark surroundings. There was something in the silence, combined with the absence of the cow whom she confidently expected to find, which sent a little chill to the girl's heart.

"Here come Little Joe Otter and Billy Mink; let's find out what they are going to do." Something had to be done. Jerry Muskrat said so. Grandfather Frog said so. Billy Mink said so. Little Joe Otter said so. Even Spotty the Turtle said so. The Laughing Brook couldn't laugh, and the Smiling Pool couldn't smile.

"That was a perfectly splendid thing for Old Mother Nature to do." Then he started for his own home in the dear Old Briar-patch, and all the way there he wondered and wondered how Grandfather Frog knew that he wanted that story, and to this day he hasn't found out. You see, he didn't notice that Grandfather Frog was listening when he asked Spotty about his house.

I wonder if he's telling the truth when he says he didn't go near the place? It was Spotty, or one of his kind, who got in and out without leaving a trace. It took Spotty's skill. But I don't know. I must have another look around the jewelry store." A day or so after his return from the West, the colonel made a close examination of the shop.