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Didn't its faythers dhrop off av the poor craythur, an' its skin toorn all spotty, jist loike our friend Misther Wake's phiz here; an' what could that be, sure, but the maysles, I'd loike to know?"

Ike squealed on Spotty for another job after they give him the third degree, and when Spotty heard of that it made him sore, as it would anybody. Then when the two bulls who pinched Spotty and Ike tested the diamonds in the cross and found they was phoney as they might have guessed coming from a department store Spotty was fit to be tied, he was so wild! So he up and confessed.

She hates the children, and would kill every one of them. But Whitey loves them. She ran at them only to frighten them away, lest Spotty should get hold of any of them. No one needs be afraid of Whitey!" By this time the Little Ones were coming back, and with much noise, for they had no care to keep quiet now that they were at open war with the giants, and laden with good stones.

"It's those two-legged creatures with terrible guns I'm afraid of," and she began to swim about more uneasily than ever. Jerry Muskrat thinks there is no place in the world like the Smiling Pool. So, for the matter of that, does Grandfather Frog and also Spotty the Turtle. You see, they have spent their lives there and know little about the rest of the Great World. When Mrs.

You see Spotty is not very heavy and Reddy Fox was so excited that he did not notice that his big tail was heavier than usual. The Merry Little Breezes flew along, too, to see that the race was fair. Peter Rabbit went with great big jumps. Whenever he came to a little bush he jumped right over it, for Peter Rabbit's legs are long and meant for jumping.

"I'm a bad man, Colonel, you know that, and maybe if I was to go to the chair or the rope, according, to where I was caught I wouldn't be getting any more than was comin' to me. But, so help me, I never croaked that old lady!" "Then how did you get that cross?" "I won't tell you!" "I'll make you, Spotty!" and there was a dangerous glint in the eyes of the colonel. "You can't!" defied the crook.

Really it was no longer clear how life, with its manifold emergencies, was to be carried on at all without a fellow like the spotty horse, ready to step in at critical moments and take up just the part required of him.

Audley said, to mean all ends of shock hair, and freckles up to the eyes; but when Fulbert and Lance had whirled him out again to see the lions of Bexley, Robina and Angela were overheard respectfully pronouncing that he was nice and spotty like the dear little frogs in the strawberry-beds at Catsacre, and that his hair was just the colour Cherry painted that of all the very best people in her 'holy pictures.

So Spotty, who must just have finished his bit, told." "But please don't hold that against him," urged Bartlett. "If he violated a confidence " "He did, in a way, yes," observed the disciple of Izaak Walton. "But I shall have to forgive him, I suppose. It must have been rather a strong reason that induced him to tell you where I had gone."

His home! the Western giant smiles, And twirls the spotty globe to find it; This little speck the British Isles? 'Tis but a freckle, never mind it! He laughs, and all his prairies roll, Each gurgling cataract roars and chuckles, And ridges stretched from pole to pole Heave till they crack their iron knuckles!