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Updated: August 24, 2024

I am very fond of simple epics and of ballad poetry, from the Nibelungenlied and the Roland song through "Chevy Chase" and "Patrick Spens" and "Twa Corbies" to Scott's poems and Longfellow's "Saga of King Olaf" and "Othere." On the other hand, I don't care to read dramas as a rule; I cannot read them with enjoyment unless they appeal to me very strongly.

"She is going to a lecture this afternoon to be given by the Archdeacon Spens to the young girls, and she is preparing for it." And as these words were uttered, Thora entered the room. She was dressed for the storm outside, and wore the hood of her cloak drawn well over her hair; in her hands were a pair of her father's slippers.

John Jamieson, surgeon, returning from Paris, brought an Umbrella with him, which was the first seen in this city. The doctor, who was a man of great humour, took pleasure in relating to me how he was stared at with his Umbrella." In Edinburgh Dr. Spens is said to have been the first to carry one. The trade between Bristol and Leghorn may account for this.

"But lang, lang may his ladies sit, With their fans intill their hand, Before they see Sir Patrick Spens Come sailing to the land." The Armada is away on the other side of Scotland, and Amyas is following in its wake.

"I maun hae them," Hendry said, "to open the kirk on Sabbath." The precentor locked the doors, and buttoned up the keys in his trousers pockets. "Wha kens," he said, in a voice of steel, "that the kirk'll be open next Sabbath?" "Hae some mercy on him, Tamtnas," Spens implored. "He's no twa- and-twenty."

"I believe Rob kens it's true," Hendry added sadly, "or he would hae flown at your throat, Tammas Whamond, for saying these words." Even this did not rouse Dow. "Rob doesna worship the minister as he used to do," said Spens. "And what for no?" cried the precentor. "Rob Dow, is it because you've found out about this woman?"

"Well, well, I say nothing one way or another. You can't do impossibilities, Miss Kane. But a week's delay affects no one, and I need not go on drawing up the particulars of sale until I hear from you again." Frances bowed, and left the office without even shaking hands with Mr. Spens. "She's a proud woman," said the lawyer to himself, as he watched her driving away.

I should think so; but I really do wonder what these lawyers are coming to. Soon there'll be no distinctions between man and man anywhere, when a beggarly country lawyer dares to write to a gentleman like myself in that strain. But read the letter, Frances; you'll have to see Spens this afternoon. I'm not equal to it." "Let me see what Mr. Spens says," answered Frances.

A permanent post had been established at Rhenoster under the charge of Colonel Spens of the Shropshires, with his own regiment and several guns. Smith-Dorrien, one of the youngest and most energetic of the divisional commanders, had at the same time undertaken the supervision and patrolling of the line.

I like Spens; he is a capital fellow, a thorough man of business, with no humbug about him. By the way, Frances, he does not approve of our selling the fruit, and he thinks we ought to make more of the ribbon border. He says we have only got the common yellow calceolarias he does not see a single one of the choicer kinds." "Indeed!" said Frances.

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