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Go into the tap, Jims, and order a glass of brandy-and-water at my expense and mind I don't see your face to-morrow morning, or I'll make it more ugly than it is. "With these gross expressions and a cheer from the crowd, Mr. Silvertop entered the inn. I need not say that I did not partake of his hospitality, and that personally I despise his insults.

"'Since about two minnits, and the Ladys name begins with a HA, says I, looking her tendarly in the face, and conjring up hall the fassanations of my smile. "'Mr. De la Pluche, who is to make all our fortunes yours too. Mr. de la Pluche, let me present you to Captain George Silvertop, The Capting bent just one jint of his back very slitely; I retund his stare with equill hottiness.

He has composed an epitaph to the Martyr of Bullocksmithy, which does him infinite credit. But we are happy to state that Lady Angelina Silvertop presented five hundred pounds to her faithful and affectionate servant, Mary Ann Hoggins, on her marriage with Mr.

"On driving up to the 'Cairngorm Arms, I found a gentleman of military appearance standing at the doer, and occupied seemingly in smoking a cigar. It was very dark as I descended from my carriage, and the gentleman in question exclaimed, 'Is it you, Southdown my boy? You have come too late; unless you are come to have some supper; or words to that effect. Silvertop.

I spose it was because that wulgar raskle Silvertop WOOD stay in the box. "Friday. I was sleeples all night. I gave went to my feelings in the folloring lines there's a hair out of Balfe's Hopera that she's fond of. I edapted them to that mellady. "She was in the droring-room alone with Lady B. She was wobbling at the pyanna as I hentered.

I thought it was Silvertop writhing in my Jint grasp; and taw the hordayshis villing lim from lim in the terrible strenth of my despare! . . . Let me drop a cutting over the memries of that night. When my boddy-suvnt came with my ot water in the mawning, the livid copse in the charnill was not payler than the gashly De la Pluche! "'Give me the Share-list, Mandeville, I micanickly igsclaimed.

The Honorable and Right Reverend Lionel Thistlewood, Lord Bishop of Bullocksmithy, was mentioned as the uncle of Lady Angelina Silvertop. Her elopement with her cousin caused deep emotion to the venerable prelate: he returned to the palace at Bullocksmithy, of which he had been for thirty years the episcopal ornament, and where he married three wives, who lie buried in his Cathedral Church of St.

I'm a marter to dooty; and you, my pore gal, must cumsole yorself with that ideer. "There seemed to be a consperracy, too, between that Silvertop and Lady Hangelina to drive me to the same pint. That's a generous fellow. I like to see a man risen to eminence like you, having his heart in the right place. When is to be the marriage, my boy?

Plush, try for the sake of your sincere friend and admirer, A. "'P.S. I leave the wedding-dresses behind for her: the diamonds are beautiful, and will become Mrs. Plush admirably. "This was hall! Confewshn! And there stood the footmen sniggerin, and that hojus Mary Hann half a cryin, half a laffing at me! It was Silvertop then! "I bust out of the house in a stayt of diamoniacal igsitement!

This afternoon, at four o'clock, the Hymeneal Blacksmith, of Gretna Green, celebrated the marriage between George Granby Silvertop, Esq., a Lieutenant in the 150th Hussars, third son of General John Silvertop, of Silvertop Hall, Yorkshire, and Lady Emily Silvertop, daughter of the late sister of the present Earl of Bareacres, and the Lady Angelina Amelia Arethusa Anaconda Alexandrina Alicompania Annemaria Antoinetta, daughter of the last-named Earl Bareacres.