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For one moment he seemed startled by my sudden outburst of mirth the next, he laughed heartily himself, and as the waiter appeared with the coffee and cognac, inspired by the occasion, he made an equivocal, slightly indelicate joke concerning the personal charms of a certain Antoinetta whom the garcon was supposed to favor with an eye to matrimony.

Alan was already suavely master of himself, the venom expunged from his eyes. "Why wouldn't I hate him, Antoinetta mia? You are half in love with him." "I am not," denied Tony indignantly.

The fellow grinned, in nowise offended and pocketing fresh gratuities from both Ferrari and myself, departed on new errands for other customers, apparently in high good humor with himself, Antoinetta, and the world in general. Resuming the interrupted conversation I said: "And this poor weak-minded Romani was his death sudden?"

The progress made in the Haviland faience in the seventies was very largely due to Mme. Bracquemond, whose pieces were almost always sold from the atelier before being fired, so great was her success. <b>BRANDEIS, ANTOINETTA.</b> Many prizes at the Academy of Venice. Born of Bohemian parents in Miscova, Galitza, 1849.

This afternoon, at four o'clock, the Hymeneal Blacksmith, of Gretna Green, celebrated the marriage between George Granby Silvertop, Esq., a Lieutenant in the 150th Hussars, third son of General John Silvertop, of Silvertop Hall, Yorkshire, and Lady Emily Silvertop, daughter of the late sister of the present Earl of Bareacres, and the Lady Angelina Amelia Arethusa Anaconda Alexandrina Alicompania Annemaria Antoinetta, daughter of the last-named Earl Bareacres.