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But when it's a shearin', or a dippin', yo' unnerstand, farmin' folk'll coom a long way to help yan anuther." "Are they all farmers about here?" "Mostly. Well, there's Duddon Castle!" Thyrza's voice, a little muffled by the tin-tacks in the mouth, came from somewhere near the top of a tall window "Oh an' I forgot!

"Jest tell her for me, will you, that I want to hire her husband to do some herdin’; Leander’s handy, ’n’ can work good an’ sharp, if he is an infidel. An’ I like to have him over now an’ then, as you know, Judy. Leander ’d stop in the middle of shearin’ a sheep to argue that Jonah never came out o’ the whale’s belly.

I suld hae been shearin', but my mither wad fain hae a day o' the hairst. She thocht it wud du her gude. 'Ye maun hae had a sair time o' 't, than. 'Ay, some. But I aye got some sleep. But whiles naething wad du but tak him till 's mammie. All the time she was hushing and fondling the child, who went on fretting when not actually crying. 'Is he yer brither, than? asked Robert. 'Ay, what ither?

"That's another of them theer dang things!" he exclaimed. "That's two I've seed this mornin'." Presently he remarked: "Yer don't smell none too sweet, Brummy. It must 'a' been jist about the middle of shearin' when yer pegged out. I wonder who got yer last cheque. Shoo! theer's another black goanner theer must be a flock of 'em."

"He had a red cap on his head, his beard hadn't been cut since last sheep shearin', and he looked as hairy as a tarrier; his shirt collar, 'which was of yaller flannel, fell on his shoulders loose, and a black hankercher was tied round his neck, slack like a sailor's.

At this end the scent of sheep and wool and men had not yet routed that home essence of the barn, like the savour of acorns and withering beech leaves. They were shearing by hand this year, nine of them, counting the postman, who, though farm-bred, "did'n putt much to the shearin'," but had come to round the sheep up and give general aid.

'Well, well, says he, a-liftin' up both hands, and turnin' up the whites of his eyes like a duck in thunder, 'if that don't bang the bush! It fearly beats sheep shearin' arter the blackberry bushes have got the wool.

John, he had never seen anything he thought so beautiful. The baby cried now and then. 'What ails the bairnie? he asked. 'Ow, it's jist cuttin' its teeth. Gin it greits muckle, I maun jist tak it oot to my mither. She'll sune quaiet it. Are ye haudin' better? 'Hoot, ay. I'm a' richt noo. Is yer mither shearin'? 'Na. She's gatherin'. The shearin' 's some sair wark for her e'en noo.

I'm expectin' ter git on shearin' with of Baldy Thompson at West-o'-Sunday nex' week. I got a thirst on me like a sun-struck bone, an', for God sake, put up a couple o' beers for me an' my mate, an' I'll fix it up with yer when I come back after shearin'." An' what's a feller ter do? I bin there meself, an I put it to you! I've known what it is to have a thirst on me.

I can see it all as plain as if I was on the board all of you runnin' an' shoutin' an' cheerin' an' laughin', and all over shearin' and ill-usin' a poor little darg! Why couldn't you play a trick on another man's darg?... It doesn't matter much I'm nearly done cookie' here now.... Only that I've got a family to think of I wouldn't 'a' stayed so long.