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It contains, like the same writer's description of the last appearance of Knox in the pulpit, one of the most living pieces of portraiture in our literature: 'When we cam to his chalmer, we fand him sitting in his chaire, teatching his young man that servit him in his chalmer a, b, ab; e, b, eb, etc. Efter salutation, Mr. Andro sayes, "I sie, sir, yie are nocht ydle."

Rogron deduced the negative nature of servitudes from the rule that the land owes the services, not the person, Proedium non persona servit. For, said Rogron, the land alone being bound, it can only be bound passively. Austin called this an "absurd remark." /1/ But the jurists from whom we have inherited our law of easements were contented with no better reasoning.

'La despense de ces navires estoit fort grande, et suis d'advis qu'elle cousta trois cens mille francs, et si ne servit de rien, et y alla tout l'argent contant que le Roy peut finer de ses finances: car comme j'ay dit, il n'estoit point pourveu ne de sens, ne d'argent, oy d'autre chose nécessaire

"That September in time of vacans, my uncle Mr. Andrew, Mr. Thomas Buchanan and I, hearing that Mr. When we came to his chalmer we found him sitting in his chair, teaching his young man that servit him in his chalmer, to spell a, b, ab, and e, b, eb, etc. Efter salutation Mr.

The motto on the sword of Roger Guiscard was a proud one: Appulus et Calaber, Siculus mihi servit et Afer.

The learning of a Salmasius or a Burman, unless you are its master, will be your tyrant. “Imperat aut servit;” if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ. You will be overwhelmed, like Tarpeia, by the heavy wealth which you have exacted from tributary generations.

Imperat aut servit; if you can wield it with a strong arm, it is a great weapon; otherwise, Vis consili expers Mole ruit suâ. You will be overwhelmed, like Tarpeia, by the heavy wealth which you have exacted from tributary generations. Instances abound; there are authors who are as pointless as they are inexhaustible in their literary resources.

Dans la jolie église de Panthéacrator, occupée par des religieux caloyers, qui sont ce que nous appellerions en France moines de l'Observance, on montre une pierre ou table de diverses couleurs que Nicodème avott fait tailler pour placer sur son tombeau, et qui lui servit

“I telt yon vat, galsaid the old German, good-humoredly ; “if I vas as I vas ven I servit mit his grand-fader on ter lakes, ter lazy tog shouldn’t vin ter prize as for nottin’“Come, come, old Fritzsaid the Judge; “you are seventy, not seventeen; Richard waits for you with a bowl of eggnog, in the hall