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The bald, bland chemist who presides there has a regular practice in the treatment of razor-cuts acquired through shaving in the train; he looked up serenely across his glass-topped counter. "Good morning, monsieur," he said. "A little cut yes?" Young Raleigh gazed at him across the handkerchief. "No! A thundering great gash," he answered with emphasis. "I want something to patch it up with."

The spirit of 1906, glorified by San Franciscans, which alone made possible the resurrection from the ashes of that "city loved around the world," sitting serenely upon its seven hills by the portals of the Golden Gate and whose destiny is oblivious of fire and earthquake, is worthy of more than a passing tribute. Its example should thrill and encourage those who are inclined to falter.

'Nobody, of course, said Knight serenely, and stretched out his hand towards his royal victim. 'It is not very pleasant to have it taken advantage of, then, she said with some vexation. 'Club laws, I think you said? returned Knight blandly, and mercilessly appropriating the queen. She was on the brink of pouting, but was ashamed to show it; tears almost stood in her eyes.

And the men on deck paced up and down serenely, and Clif tugged at the wheel with a positively light-hearted recklessness. It would have been a cold sort of a person whose spirit did not rise to such an occasion as that.

"Well, would you please, sir, march up-stairs, where we can get a cab to carry your highness to the police-station?" "That is better," said John Clay, serenely. He made a sweeping bow to the three of us, and walked quietly off in the custody of the detective. "Really Mr. Holmes," said Mr. Merryweather, as we followed them from the cellar, "I do not know how the bank can thank you or repay you.

The camel would not turn out for a king. He stalks serenely along, bringing his cushioned stilts forward with the long, regular swing of a pendulum, and whatever is in the way must get out of the way peaceably, or be wiped out forcibly by the bulky sacks. It was a tiresome ride to us, and perfectly exhausting to the horses.

'Why not? asked Vandeloup, still keeping his finger on the trigger. 'Because the pistol-shot would alarm the house, said Gollipeck, serenely, 'and if I was found dead, you would be arrested for my murder. If I was only wounded I could tell a few facts about M. Octave Braulard that would have an unpleasant influence on the life of M. Gaston Vandeloup.

'Macgreegor, if ye len' me thruppence the noo, I'll ca' it a bargain aboot the twa bob. He got the pennies then, and on the following day a florin, upon which he took a solemn oath. But as he fingered the silver later he smiled secretly and almost serenely.

"We might call it 'Exiles' Bower," laughed Edna, teasingly, for the boys had given that name to Bear Island since the girls' imprisonment there. "If you like," said Cricket, the unteasable, serenely. "Don't you think that the next rule ought to be that we won't tell the boys?" asked Edna. "I just know they will tease us out of our senses."

She was bravely and serenely speaking it again, knowing that it would deliver her body up to that very fire which had such terrors for her. That answer of hers was quite long, quite frank, wholly free from concealments or palliations. It made me shudder; I knew she was pronouncing sentence of death upon herself. So did poor Manchon.