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Baker had suggested to the Senator the idea that it might be well to have an eye on both. Mrs. Baker was a silly woman, as he knew, and there were old transactions between Ratcliffe and Baker of which she might be informed, but which Ratcliffe had no wish to see brought within Mrs. Lee's ken. As for the fiction invented to set Keen in motion, it was an innocent one. It harmed nobody.

I never could understand you, Jethro; you don't do things like other men. Do I smell gunpowder? What's up now what do you want to see Grant about?" Jethro cast his eye around the corridor, where a few men were taking their ease after supper, and looked at the senator mysteriously. "Any place where we can talk?" he demanded.

But I wish to beg of you, if you have anything of this nature to say to her, you will take her feelings into consideration as well as ours." Miss Trevor gave her one expressive look of gratitude. The senator was effectually silenced. He had come, by some inexplicable inference, to believe that Mrs.

"The sugar trust," declared the senator, "has its 'long, felonious fingers' at this moment in every man's pocket in the United States, deftly extracting with the same audacity the pennies from the pockets of the poor and the dollars from the pockets of the rich."

A short distance away were several rows of X's of wood united by barbed wire, forming a compact fence. About three hundred feet further on, was a second wire fence. There reigned a profound silence here, a silence of absolute loneliness as though the world was asleep. "There are the trenches of the Boches," said the Commandant, in a low tone. "Where?" asked the senator, making an effort to see.

Haines, the ablest political reporter in Washington, had come to the International to interview the new Senator, to describe for his paper what kind of a citizen Langdon was. He glanced around at the dingy woodwork, the worn cushions, the nicked and uneven tiles of the hotel lobby, and smiled at the clerk.

Cuba's Friends in Congress Senator Proctor's Address to His Colleagues A Notable Exhibition of Patriotism An Appropriation for the National Defense Relief for the Survivors and Victims of the Maine The Recognition of Cuban Independence.

At the recommendation of Valerian, a senator of the highest rank and merit, Ulpius Crinitus, whose blood was derived from the same source as that of Trajan, adopted the Pannonian peasant, gave him his daughter in marriage, and relieved with his ample fortune the honorable poverty which Aurelian had preserved inviolate.

I've stuck to you thus far, and I'll be damned now if I throw you over, like they did Jonah." Mr. Cooke spoke with a fine dignity that in itself was impressive, and when he had finished he looked about him until his eye rested on Mr. Trevor, as though opposition were to come from that quarter. And the senator gave every sign of another eruption.

This would be thought arbitrary in England, and I have certainly known the Senator suddenly reduced to great destitution through it, but America is a free country, and there is no law to compel us to see our male relations unbecomingly clad against our will. "Well, to tell the truth, Augusta," said poppa, "I would. I'd like to get this measure through by a unanimous vote.