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Senator Bayard, when first summoned to Albany and invited to become the Premier of the incoming Administration, had frankly told Mr. Cleveland that he might consider himself absolved from all obligation to bestow his chief Cabinet honor upon him, and that he would prefer to remain in the Senate.

"Bloody shirt" Foraker, senator from Ohio, voting with the sons of those Irish Catholic mob-leaders whom the Federal troops shot down in the draft-riots!

Thou hast enough, at present, for the employ of all thine energy not to extend thy power, but to preserve thyself. For, trust me, never stood human greatness on so wild and dark a precipice!" "Thou art honest," said the Senator; "and these are the first words of doubt, and yet of sympathy, I have heard in Rome.

He changed the whole attitude of the Senate concerning the route for an interoceanic canal. We all generally favored the Nicaraguan route. Senator Hanna became convinced that the Panama route was best, and he soon carried everything before him to the end that the Panama route was selected. During the first McKinley campaign, Mark Hanna was probably the most caricatured man in public life.

"This I take it," said the Senator looking about him, "is beyond the limits of my Lord's plaything." "This is Shugborough," said Sir George, "and there is John Runce, the occupier, on his pony. He at any rate is a model farmer." As he spoke Mr. Runce slowly trotted up to them touching his hat, and Mr. Gotobed recognized the man who had declined to sit next to him at the hunting breakfast.

Had the stupid idiot gone mad? Or had he, the Vice-President, been in a fog when vital, top-secret information had been made public? He banged the gavel down hard, for want of a better gesture, and was grateful when a tall, dignified man with a look of deepest concern on his face rose from behind his desk out on the floor. "Will the Senator yield to his distinguished colleague from Pennsylvania?"

Oddly enough, Jefferson Davis condescended to tickle the vanity of Douglas by testifying, "If any man has a right to be proud of the success of these measures, it is the Senator from Illinois." Both Douglas and Toombs told their constituents that Congress had agreed upon a great, fundamental principle in dealing with the Territories.

Crewe read over the agreement carefully, as a business man should, before putting his signature to it. And then the senator, with renewed invitations for Mr. Crewe to call on him when he came to Newcastle, took his departure. Afterwards Mr. Crewe remained so long in reflection that his man Waters became alarmed, and sought him out and interrupted his revery. The next morning Mrs.

Protheroe?" gasped the Senator from Stackpole. "She's gone," said the other. "Gone where?" "Gone back to Paris. She sails day after tomorrow. She just had time enough to catch her train for New York after waiting to hear how the vote went. She told me to tell you good-bye, and that she was sorry. Don't stare at me Rawson! I guess we're in the same boat! Where are you going?" he finished abruptly.

Senator Beck of Kentucky was a Scotchman. He was in the highest sense a typical Scotchman lacking nothing, either of the brawn, brain, or brogue, of the most gifted of that race. It is needless to say he was a lover of Burns. From "Tam O'Shanter" to "Mary in Heaven," all were safely garnered in his memory to be rolled out in rich, melodious measure at the opportune moment.